For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that - TopicsExpress


For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10 The notable seventeenth-century English scientist Sir Isaac Newton said in his third law of motion that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Generalizing, we could say that nothing happens in a vacuum; every action produces a reaction or result of some sort. The apostle Paul said that every Christian is a member, or part, of the body of Christ. As such, the actions (or lack of actions) of any one part influence every other part. The New Testament also says that every Christian will stand before the judgment seat of Christ one day to have our words (Matthew 12:36) and our deeds (1 Corinthians 3:13) judged. Everything we do now will create a response then. We do not live our spiritual life in a vacuum; there are no hidden words or deeds in Gods sight. We know Christ is coming again. We know He is going to examine our life for the purpose of giving rewards. Therefore, we ought to live every moment of life as if we are living in His very presence -- living now in order to hear Him say, Well done (Matthew 25:21, 23). Today, let us rise and go to our work. Tomorrow, we shall rise and go to our reward.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:10:44 +0000

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