Forgive me but I cannot read another woe is me on my contest diet - TopicsExpress


Forgive me but I cannot read another woe is me on my contest diet negative status update. I must rant: Contest prep is far more mentally grueling than physically, I think a lot of people would agree. The mentality is really what ultimately makes or breaks a competitor and the outcome of any diet. But if you want to be your best, if you want to make the process worthwhile, the hunger, the cardio, the restriction - ENJOY IT. Dont muddle through, dont tolerate it, and dont just make it. Find your passion,your purpose, enjoy the process, or do yourself and everyone around you the favor of not starting at all. There are people in this world who literally dont have a pot to piss in. People without clean water, people who will starve to death without choice. Have some perspective, and realize that you chose this path. No one is holding a gun to your head, and no one is interested in hearing how fat you are at 8% bodyfat for the 10th time this week. If you choose to participate in this sport, stay out of your own way. Dont let emotions cloud your ability to be reasonable. Dont dump your crappy attitude on friends and expect them to talk you down every time you work yourself up. And dont let hunger, hangups about your ab fat, or frustration that you havent had pizza (or whatever) in a little while turn you into a bitter, cranky void of a person. Competition prep is something to be enjoyed (as best as one can in the later weeks and months). This process should enhance your life, and you should grow from it. If you find yourself breaking, and embittered by it from Day 1, I would encourage you to either reassess your mindset or your reason for getting into it in the first place. It is not your coworkers, your spouses or your kids job to change their lives to revolve around you. Yes we should hope theyll be supportive. But in the end this is an individual sport. Like I said - this process is hard. You will get tired, you will get frustrated, and you will have setbacks. But if it completely changes you as a person, and you are constantly using it as an excuse to have a perpetually negative, angry outlook on every part of life and everyone in it. Youre doing it wrong. And just to be clear, by it I mean your mentality - not the program itself.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 23:49:44 +0000

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