Friday, December 5, 2014 HUNCH - WHAT IT IS? Salam ! Few - TopicsExpress


Friday, December 5, 2014 HUNCH - WHAT IT IS? Salam ! Few friends had gathered in my office yesterday, discussing things happening around/in Pakistan. Conversation on the regional situation made one of us exclaim, MY HUNCH SAYS SUCH AND SUCH ... WILL HAPPEN IN THE REGION IN NEXT 2-3 YEARS. We know that at some time or other almost each one of us has a HUNCH as we correctly guess some future event. Rarely do, however, we bother to investigate ABOUT ITS ORIGIN and wonder WHY IT IS CALLED HUNCH? The HUNCH is highly regarded as an extraordinary power closely associated with the occult. It all started with the HUNCHBACK in far-distant days. His peculiar shape made him an object of pity or derision as one might suppose but a person especially selected by the gods to carry ON HIM gifts denied to others. Therefore a HUNCHBACK was greatly desired as a valuable asset to ones company. The Egyptian Pharaohs worshiped as a god the dwarf Bes for the luck-bringing virtues of his HUNCH. Likewise, ancient Romans, wherever they went, carried HUNCHBACK amulets with (and on) them. The HUNCHBACKS supposed power to avert evil and thereby to ensure the continuation of good luck may have had various roots : First of all there was the fundamental awe and fear of the grotesque, a phenomenon unusual and unaccountable. The very mystery of the odd growth caused other men to look at the baneful being with wonder and reverence. IT MADE THEM TREAT HUNCHBACKS WITH SYMPATHY, AND DEFERENTIAL RESPECT. Just as man is attracted by beauty, ugliness repels and horrifies him. [The man presumed] that the twisted figure of a HUNCHBACK thus would act as a most powerful force AGAINST DEMONIC BEINGS. Hence to have a HUNCHBACK or his replica nearby would serve as a sure means to keep DEMONS FAR AWAY. HUNCHBACKS were bogies of a unique kind. They were like a divine gift. That is the reason for their presence in the royal courts then. They were living human mascots, employed to protect His Royal Highness and those near and dear to him. People are no longer in awe of HUNCHBACKS. We now know the scientific, medical explanation of their spinal deformity. Nevertheless their ancient magic has not died, and belief in their supernatural gifts survive in numerous people. The myths and so called powers of the HUNCHBACK .......... Ever since, it has found a separate existence in mans life and vocabulary. EVERY TIME WE HAVE A HUNCH OUR FLASH OF INSIGHT AND GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE ARE DERIVED FROM THE ORIGINAL HUNCHBACK. Dheron Duaien ! AKHTAR N JANJUA anjanjua.blogspot/ facebook/akhtar.janjua https://twitter/IbneNawaz
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 09:10:07 +0000

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