Friday, September 6, 2013 MY ALL-IN-ONE “MIRACLE” EYE SERUM - TopicsExpress


Friday, September 6, 2013 MY ALL-IN-ONE “MIRACLE” EYE SERUM eye serum One of the things I really love about making my own health and beauty products (besides knowing exactly what is going into them) is how SIMPLE they really are to make! Today’s post is the perfect example of this! Two ingredients…no measuring needed. You can’t beat that! I have often talked about the benefits of coconut oil on this blog, but another oil that I’m very fond of is almond oil. Like coconut oil, it has a bunch of really great properties. Almond oil is loaded with essential vitamins, including vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep the skin hydrated and fights free radicals. It’s also rich in fatty acids, which are great for your skin, and acts as both an emollient and a humectant because it softens skin, and then prevents moisture loss. It works wonders for people with dry and itchy skin (like me!) eye serum I recently ran across this DIY Face & Body lotion by Joanna at Modern Alternative Mama and thought I would give it a try. My skin gets SO dry, even to the point of painful cracks on my hands and feet, so the idea of a lotion with almond oil was very appealing! Plus, the addition of aloe vera gel which is also very soothing and easily absorbed into the skin gave it EXTRA appeal. But what started as a basic DIY lotion, quickly became my all-in-one “miracle” eye serum. eye serum After I mixed it up for the first time I used it on my arms and legs and loved how moisturizing it was without feeling heavy or greasy. Then that night as I was taking my make up off, I decided to add a few drops to my homemade makeup remover wipes to aid in getting my mascara off without undue rubbing and tugging on the skin around my eyes. It was wonderful! My face tends to be very sensitive and this was so soothing. In addition to being great at taking off makeup it left my skin, especially around my eyes, feeling soft and moisturized. eye serum Since that first night I have made a couple of tiny alterations to the original “recipe”. After reading about how to stimulate eyelash growth on my sister’s blog (Camp Wander) recently, I decided to add a ONE DROP of Lemon essential oil to enhance the almond oil’s cleansing and stimulating properties and ONE DROP of Lavender essential oil to nourish lashes and follicles. NOW, not only does my new DIY eye serum moisturize and clean my skin, it’s helping me growth thicker, healthier lashes! Talk about your “miracles”! :-) I have been using my “miracle” eye serum for over two weeks now and I am still loving it! I mean what’s not to love?? On top of all of the wonderful properties I mentioned above, it’s also dirt cheap to make. :-) eye serum MY “MIRACLE” EYE CREAM Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil Aloe Vera Gel Directions: eye serum Combine equal parts almond oil and aloe vera gel in a small flip-top bottle. eye serum Shake to combine. (You will need to shake it before each use because it will separate.) If you find the lotion is a bit too heavy, add more aloe, if you’d like it to be extra moisturizing, add more oil If you have nut allergies, Apricot Kernel Oil is a great alternative. Leave all those expensive eye creams and potions on the store shelves…all you need are two SIMPLE & INEXPENSIVE ingredients!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 13:47:01 +0000

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