Friends, I love God and what He is able to do for us, and I really - TopicsExpress


Friends, I love God and what He is able to do for us, and I really dont know what situation you are facing right now that you look at it and you dont see a way out, you may be so discouraged at the moment with no hope to live again because somebody neglected or rejected you, you may have waited to establish yourself in a good relationship until now you are past age and you have given up, you may be hiding from your landlord, you may be wondering how am I going to pass this exam, you may be holding to your last meal, you may be facing a challenging relationship, you were just making plans to formalize your marriage and your mate passed away,you have chased for a passport and visa but in vain, you have looked for a profitable job but one is not forthcoming, your job or contract may have been terminated and you have a family to feed, you may be a child born out of wedlock and facing rejection from your close family members, you may be lonely today or you may be going through a health threatening disease and next to your death bed like King Hezekiah. Whatever situation you are passing through right now, you will never get out of it until you know what it means to pray earnestly for yourself and face God and challenge him like the way King Hezekiah did. When King Hezekiah received a message that he should be ready to die, his anger rose up and said NO, NO, NO there is no way I am going to die even if I am sick with a threatening disease. No, I refuse to die. King Hezekiah knew that if he did not challenge this negative situation through earnest prayer, for sure he was going to die, he instead decided to face toward the wall, and prayed to the Lord, saying, “Remember now, O Lord, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what was good in Your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. My question is, yes, you are facing a hopeless situation, what sacrifice are you willing to make in order for God to sympathize with you so that he can turn that situation around to work for your good? Are you going to sit there talk about it, complain and curse God or blame the devil about it, discuss it with your friends, tell about how the economy is bad, how things are not working out, how a certain person is bad? OR, Are you willing to face toward the wall like the way King Hezekiah did and plead your situation before God? It does not matter how long you have suffered in that marriage, that relationship, how financially broke you have been, how that man or woman rejected you, how that sickness has refused to heal. How long you have been to that Embassy and you have been denied a Visa, how long you have looked for that job. Your time of deliverance is now! Your time of Healing has come! Your day of restoration is here! The only thing you can do right now is that you should take a bold step similar to what King Hezekiah took and face the wall and plead with your God to intervene. I love this, as soon as King Hezekiah started defending himself before God in prayer, God could not take it, God felt so disturbed and instead of letting King Hezekiah to die, He immediately sent King Isaiah with this words, God told King Isaiah, eeeh, look hear men, I have made up my mind, I have changed my mind again, King Hezekiah is not going to die as I had said, Do you know how to run? Is there any means of transport you can use to reach out to my servant King Hezekiah, look here, I am sending you right now back to him with this words “Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord. And I will add to your days fifteen years. I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for My own sake, and for the sake of My servant David. You my friend, my sister, my brother, this is the time, this is the day, this is the hour for you to wake up from that slumber bed, nothing comes easy, you must work hard for it, there is that part of you asking in order to receive, there is that part of you sacrificing in order to achieve and there is that part of you defending it with all of your heart and strength through prayer in order to get it. Can I ask you this question, What reasons do you have that you can face God with right now like King Hezekiah had and did and God was left with nothing but to add more fifteen years to his life, what is that, that you are able to convince God with in order for him to say NO, NO, my son, my daughter, you are going to get that job, tomorrow go back and you will find your Visa, that person you desire so much is coming your way now, your health has been restored to you now. What have you done for others in your family, country and community that when God looks at it, He feels so proud that when you are faced with a similar condition like King Hezekiah was faced with He has nothing to say but to deliver you? I am convincing you now and this time to take this bold step and see what God is going to do for you in that challenging situation you are passing through right now. If God healed King Hezekiah, He is the same God who is going to heal you, If God did it for Hezekiah and went ahead to add fifteen years to his life, it does not matter how impossible the situation you are facing is looking like, just go ahead and plead it before your God. And please come back here and share with us. We want to hear from you, we want you to be happy, we want you to live a fulfilled life. READ 2 KINGS CHAPTER 20
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:26:20 +0000

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