Friends and Family please sign this petition. I am considering - TopicsExpress


Friends and Family please sign this petition. I am considering getting a pump and this is the only one on the market that is tubeless. Apparently this pump is not avail in Australia, but has been available in the US and Europe for years. It is a disgrace that Australia is so far behind the times, especially considering diabetes is one of the leading health issues in the country! This pump would make life much easier for so many ppl (including myself) with type one diabetes and potentially save tax payers money through better control and reduced hospital admissions / treatment / surgery. ** Life is hard enough with Type 1 Diabetes. Why is it so hard to allow us to access essential health aids? The Omnipod tubeless insulin patch pump is approved for sale in Australia by the TGA but the Federal Governments Prostheses legislation and NDSS has not approved equal reimbursement for new diabetes technologies like the Omnipod. This is not right. **
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:09:31 +0000

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