Friends of Ellis County Constable Office today is the day. My - TopicsExpress


Friends of Ellis County Constable Office today is the day. My last day with Ellis County Constable Office Pct 2 as a paid employee. I have so many great memories from the last 7.5 years. This post is pretty long but please read all of it. I want to share the amount if gratitude and respect I have for my boss and fellow coworkers. Terry Nay you have been a great boss to work with. You have taught me things that I know I can use to better my life and career. You have gone above and beyond when it came to taking care of your employees. I think one of the most memorable times was our trip home from Austin after you spent 2 days testifying and fighting to keep funding coming for my position. The phone rang and my dad gave me the news about my mom and Clint. You understood my need to not want to let you drive your own truck and at the same time made phone calls and texts to make sure my family was taken care of. You have been more than a boss to me you have been a great friend. You went far beyond what a boss does to help my family and I during that time mom was in the hospital and rehab. Words cannot describe how much that meant to its. George Brocker CHIEF, you have been an inspiration to me in so many ways. You have taught me things I never knew. From our serious conversations to the conversation we had in the squad car while you were awake. You are like a OLD brother I never had. You showed me it is possible to get fired from the same employer multiple times in a day when I would take and post photos of you. Well you cant fire me anymore! Just FYI I still have the recording from Main street in Waxahachie sir. Kevin R. Lindsey W Todd Smith Frank Dee Dee Carr Chad Raney and Matt Boyden you guys brought great things to the office in the capacities in which you served. I wish you all the best in everything you do. With that being said you better be up to date on your training and hours put in at the office. Lol Jackie Miller where do I begin? You have been a pleasure to work with, you have demonstrated kindness and compassion from the bench of justice. Not only have you been a great judge to work for you are a great friend. I will always remember your motivational speeches you have during truancy court. I think my favorite and I quote, you better be glad you dont love in my house child, youd be sleeping on yo stomach cause yo butt would be so sore you had a way with words. Lori Allen my bilingual friend, you displayed the heart of a warrior. You normally had a smile on your face and didnt complain about much. You work hard not only for the people but for your family as well. You are a great example of what it means to press on and keep moving. Michele Olsen Galloway from the laughter that was uncontrollable at times you kept us smiling. I think some of the funniest moments in the office were because of you or a sound effect at the exact time. You too are a great example of someone who cares for others while providing for your family. Suzanne Arms, you might friend have sorted through the jungle of weeds that were dumped on you. You have cleared a path that cannot be overgrown again. You stepped up and handled So much stuff and made my job easier. You busy your hump everyday in that office not only making the difference there but maintaining an incredible gpa and raising your daughter. Kristi Downs, you have brought an interesting dynamic to the team. You have made the process faster and more enjoyable. You too have that quick wit about you that makes the office fun. You make it happen everyday not only at work but for your kids too. Anita Rosborrough, well even though I give you grief you have made the office a better place. Your enthusiasm and knowledge have proven your ability to lead. You have taken a courtroom that was embarrassingly out of date and brought it up to date. Your ability to color coordinate court cases with colored folder than coincide with seasons if the year is incredible. With all this being said, if you do not know the quality of people you have serving in Ellis County Pct 2 JP court and Constables Office go meet them. They are dedicated to serving the citizens of this county. Their passion for service is evident in the job they do. Thank you for the wonderful memories we have made together. Thank you also goes out to the people I have met in this job. Most have been kind and caring people even the ones who were not made an impact on me. I enjoyed serving you in the capacity I did and the memories I have from my role I filled. I look forward to the next chapter and the great group of people I will get to work with like Shawn Martin Daniel Pitts Manuela Martin Frank Jackson Paul Cockerham and the rest of the fine folks. I think it will be an exciting and fun challenge. It has been my pleasure serving each and everyone of you and serving with my coworkers. Sincerely, Brad Elliott Ephesians 6:7 NLT Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:25:05 +0000

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