From 2 years ago until now, I often wondered about Ol Shed Buck - TopicsExpress


From 2 years ago until now, I often wondered about Ol Shed Buck and what the final ending would be. I knew the only one that knew was God and I did all that I could possibly do myself to try to be the one to harvest him. From the time I shot and couldnt find him, to finding his sheds, to trail cam photos last year and this year, somehow it was Gods total plan for a 3 year search and final ending Saturday morning with me being blessed beyond measure and to know for sure it was the same one I had shot 2 years ago and he had somehow survived and became an even bigger story and trophy. Now onto to life itself, alot of times we may do something not pleasing to God, we may have something happen in our lives that we latter regret, but once we do something, we cant take those things back. Just seek forgiveness and most of all ask God to forgive us and have a pure and sincere heart when we do so. Alot of times we may say we are sorry for just getting caught, and not have the heart felt sorrowness that comes with repentance, and with repentance... salvation and a new life. The old life passes away, and behold all things become new. We have a new outlook on life. We cherish memories of our past, for our past is where we learned and became the person we are today. The Bible tells us like an ox hooked to the plow that looks back, the plow sits still. We have to keep treading onward the best that we can, letting God direct our life and our paths. We have to turn the burdens over to him and quit carrying them on our own. When we do that, we find that once in a lifetime experience with God that will carry us for the rest of our lives, we just have to let go and hold on to God. Saturday morning, I know it was Gods plan for ol shed buck to appear from nowhere and to help me make the shot. God cares about us even more than we can ever understand, yes we do live with our decisions in life, and some are not easy, but thank God that forgiveness is real and when he wipes the slate clean, God never remembers our sins anymore. He gives us that second chance to redeem ourselves, we just have to dig deep, get anchored on that solid rock, and stand firm. May God Bless each of you this day.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:58:24 +0000

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