From Simon Icke ex Little Hulton Lad ( 1955--1976) Court Theatre - TopicsExpress


From Simon Icke ex Little Hulton Lad ( 1955--1976) Court Theatre Last Night: Hector Stringer Commemorative event: being silent is not being strong Suicide the biggest single killer of young men in the UK Dear Friends and family Yesterday evening I was honoured to be asked to speak at a charity auction/music night at the court Theatre , Tring about mental illness/ depression including reading my poem in memory of ex Tring School pupil Hector Stringer who took his own life in 2011 age just 18. When I saw that nearly 200 people were in attendance, with full stage, lights , sound men and MC, the full works I knew this was not going to be an easy thing to do, especially as all the other sets were top local bands/ musicians... and I was given the serious set just after the interval. Following a flattering introduction from the MC Dave Barratt, sitting on my bar stool on stage I read my story and poem below. You couldnt have heard a pin drop during the 6 minutes or so that I spoke for... to be honest I didnt realise it would be so emotional and my voice nearly broke a couple of times. However, it was received better than I could ever have hoped for by a very interested and appreciative audience. At the end of the night (around midnight when it finished) I gave out 50 copies of my poem and received lots of very good feedback including a few hugs. The famous John Bly was the auctioneer and more than £6000 was raised for CALM a UK suicide awareness charity in the UK and awareness was also raised for Hectors House a soon to be new charity set up in memory of Hector Stringer a young musician who killed himself age just 18, ex Tring School Pupil, Herts. raising awareness of mental illness and depression and trying to prevent the suicides of more young men in the UK. It was so good to have been part of such an amazing evening at the Court Theatre, Tring in memory of Hector Stringer and bringing awareness to a much neglected worthy cause. Regards Simon Icke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: To commemorate the life of Hector Stringer Court Theatre 4 October 2014 DEPRESSION It is well documented that suicide and its strong link to depression is a major killer of young people in the UK; particularly young men. Yet there is so much ignorance and so little help offered within the NHS to sufferers. It can take months to see a professional counsellor or psychiatric nurse or doctor after being diagnosed by a GP. Sometimes there can also be a lack of understanding about the condition amongst friends and family of sufferers, sometimes we might not even realise the person we care about is suffering at all, as they keep their true feelings well hidden. And maybe talking about mental illness is still a taboo subject and to admit you might be suffering from such a problem is considered a weakness in a harsh materialistic society that sells the false dream that life is all about making money, being successful and perhaps becoming famous. Yet many of these so called successful people and celebrity who have achieved fame and fortune are anything but happy or content. There are many examples as we think of Robin Williams the great Hollywood actor who made so many people laugh for so many years yet suffered from depression and sadly took his life. There are many others well known names from all walks of life who have battled with depression for years, people like Catherine Zeta Jones, Stephen Fry, Frank Bruno, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robbie Williams, Stan Collimore , Paul Gascoigne and many more.. all their wealth and fame has not brought them true lasting happiness or inner peace. In my own life I having been successful in business but then at a relatively young age suffered burn out and chronic ill health which led to bouts of depression, with not seeing an end to my long term health problems. I know how it feels when you just want to shut yourself away and cut yourself off from the world and those around you.. . I have also seen depression in young men in their late teens and early twenties that I know; connected to my four sons. I have seen them go through terrible bouts of depression, ( one young man Matt Lovell a good friend of my eldest son Matthew who was also a Tring School pupil sadly took his life at the age of 26 in 2006 sadly I didnt know he was suffering and never had the opportunity to talk to him. However I always try to do my best to help those I have known about , by sharing my own experience and by just letting them know I know what it feels like and that there is a good future if you just hang in there and let the storm pass. I am happy to say I came though my feelings of anxiety and feeling down despite ongoing health problems, mostly through finding my own therapy, through writing, especially poetry and getting out into the beautiful countryside all around us and talking to as many people as possible about anything and everything, taking an interest in what is going on in the world and I of course my faith in God. It was for this reason I wrote this poem titled Depression to try and help sufferers to try and realise there was a way out of the dark tunnel they felt they were trapped inside, which others have described it as feeling as though they are sinking in quick sand, feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with the everyday pressures of life. I hope this poem will help many people understand how depression feels for the sufferer. Depression Down, down I feel so low. Trapped in a tunnel, with nowhere to go. Cut myself off from all my friends, Ill work this out in the end. Dark, dark that feeling inside... Nothing looks good; I just want to hide. There must be some people in whom I can confide, Understanding friends, who are on my side? One day at a time is what I hear, No need to live life full of fear. Do you really need that anti-depressant pill? With hindsight every mountain becomes a molehill. Dont give in to this dark mood, Fun and laughter can be your food. Love yourself and say, I am what I am. Ignore this hard world you know you can. Just take the time to work this out, To overcome a life full of self doubt. God loves you, the way you are. Youre unique, youre a star. by Simon Icke copyright 2000 This is a very serious illness and should be treated as such by medical professionals, counsellors, friends and family but there is a way out if you open up and talk about how you are truly feeling, being silent is not being strong, it is probably the worse thing you can do, to shut yourself away from those around who really care. If you open up and talk believe me you can get better and find contentment and purpose in life again; with the love and care from those around you. Remember this condition happens to around one in four people at some point in their life time. It is not a sign of weakness or failure, it can happen to anyone at anytime. I know because it happened to me. ... whatever happens in life there is always an answer just talk to someone who cares. I will be giving out free copies of my poem in the foyer when you leave. Thank you very much for listening.... thank you! Simon Icke
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 17:57:24 +0000

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