From an anonymous middle-aged Baby Boomer - TopicsExpress


From an anonymous middle-aged Baby Boomer author... ________________________________________ We have been self employed for 32 years. The math is simple: We are in our early 50s, we have no pre-existing medical conditions and we paid $15,800.00 this year ($64.00 per work day) for our $5,000.00 deductible per-occurrence 80/20 co-pay health insurance policy.. I work and essentially pay $8.00 per hour for health care for me and my wife of 31 years. That is what many Americans earn! We are shopping for a new policy now, maybe a $20,000.00 deductible? At the current rate of premium increases, we know that when our next premium is due it will be at least $20,000.00 if not more. (We have paid almost $85,000.00 into our current $5,000.00 deductible policy in nine years.) ________________________________________ Honestly, we would be better off living in an apartment, go on welfare and collect food stamps. No wonder so many people try to get on disability. They cant afford to work ________________________________________ I know many self employed people and this cost of doing business is killing our small companies and sucking up our personal wealth. The leading problem is health care insurance. Im not a Leftist kook, but I do honestly believe that corporate health care America has a well organized plan to extract the vast majority of the lifetime accumulated wealth of the majority of the Baby Boomer generation. Regardless of their political views. We all have no choice, most of us will get sick, we will need health care and many of us will lose all of our accumulated wealth in this process. It is beginning to happen to our family now. ________________________________________ Most people just dont get it, especially the obstructionists and the corporate and Union workers.. These people must think healthcare is a right that they have somehow earned that the rest of us are not worthy of? So, how is the corporate handy man or plumber going to work out for you when you need a new faucet? Corporate roofer when your roof leaks? Corporate gardener? Corporate towing company the next time your car breaks down? Corporate newspaper delivery person? What happens when it is no longer feasible to be self employed or run a small business of any kind? Take a walk down whats left of Main Street.. Those quaint little shops... They are ALL going to be gone because nobody can run a small business and afford the overhead, especially if this includes paying for health care insurance... Almost no one I know has health care insurance now. The self employed cant afford it and the working poor cant either. How can a couple with two kids buy a $400.00+ per month family policy when Dad makes $12.00 per hour in a factory and Mom works full time at the McDonalds, Dollar General or Wal-Mart for $8.50 per hour? Essentially, the uninsured are one heart attack, or Cancer, or bypass surgery, or gall bladder surgery away from bankruptcy court.. How can the uninsured live life with this looming in their brain? They just block it out? They all have a wing and a prayer attitude? Yikes! I cant live like that! I care too much for my wife, I love her! She is what drives my life and the purpose of my lifes ambition, how could I possibly let her down? How can anyone love their family and not have health care insurance? DESPERATION, that is the answer to the question. Quiet silent desperation... For millions of Americans living in the wealthiest country on earth, health care comes last... After food, a roof over the head, water, heat, electricity, transportation...... Many Americans struggle to afford to vaccinate their children. ________________________________________ I believe the middle class no longer exists as we knew it.. Small numbers are still holding on to the American dream, but millions more will not likely climb back up from these times.. Times when so many of us are so busy trying to stay alive. Too busy to look around and see what is happening around us.... This is sad, very sad indeed...... Don’t tell me the system isn’t broken.. Don’t even try….
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:31:17 +0000

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