From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, - TopicsExpress


From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, except different. I think I know how to fix Obamacare, hear me out. Instead of an incentive to be sick, make an incentive to be healthy. If you want to spread the risk, do it right, reward those that work hard to stay healthy and reduce the average risk. Everyone pays the same amount, but you reward people based on lifestyle choices. For example, if your body fat percentage is low, you get a tax credit, if your age is young, you get a tax credit, blood pressure, tax credit for exercise, for not smoking, for being drug free, tax credits for not being on medication, no pre-existing conditions. The healthier you are, the less you pay. The less likely you are to spend money on healthcare, the cheaper your insurance should be. Just like life insurance or auto insurance. The less risk you are, the less you pay. Health insurance should cost around the same amount that a million dollar term life policy should cost. If you failed to buy life insurance and you die, sorry. If you cant afford life insurance and you die, sorry. Allow the free market to compete for rates, no caps. Health insurance choices should be as vast as life insurance choices. You should pay based on your potential use of benefits, based on your history of using benefits. Allow people to buy catastrophic insurance only, make it a very high deductible with no regular benefits. You can have people deposit the money in an investment account to show that they have it. Allow people preventative visits, health checks. This will give people an incentive to be as healthy as possible, thus making us a healthier society. If you cant afford insurance due to being on welfare, restrict diet choices to healthy foods only. Require welfare recipients to perform community service to pay back society for the societys support. Make these people be as healthy as possible, get them off of welfare, so they cost the least. We should not force young healthy people to pay extra, pay for more risky people. Young people have it rough enough as it is.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:32:57 +0000

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