From our member (SH) We have another article from Brisbane it - TopicsExpress


From our member (SH) We have another article from Brisbane it seems they have a vested interest in maintaining halal certification. Anti-halal movements have gained significant traction across Australia. While many such movements exist, the arguments commonly put forward include the notion that halal certification promotes terrorism and that it is a profit making scheme that non-Muslims should not have to pay for. Some also take objection to the religious context of halal and kosher foods, arguing that it is a form of imposing Islamic and Jewish beliefs on others. Fahim Khondaker Fahim Khondaker Photo: Supplied Halal and Kosher are terms used by Muslims and Jewish people which basically mean permissible to consume or do. In the case of food, the controversy generally relates to meat products where certain procedures are required to be followed during the process of slaughtering of an animal. According to the religious scriptures, these procedures are intended to be in the interest of the animal (admittedly, this noble intent is not always evident in practice). For example, it is mandatory to say grace before slaughter in order to acknowledge and signify the sanctity of the life being taken. The claim that halal certification funds terrorism is unsubstantiated at best, and discriminatory at worst. It vilifies all Australian Muslims by linking the everyday practice of eating to criminal acts of violence without any reasonable evidence. To date, our intelligence and security agencies have not made any statements suggesting that the 15 or so independent halal certification bodies operating in Australia are in any way linked to any terrorist organisation (the Australian National Security website currently has 20 officially listed terrorist organisations). As part of my research, I put this question to the Queensland Police Commissioner, Ian Stewart. He confirmed via Twitter that he has no information suggesting that halal certification in Australia funds terrorism. This further reinforces the view that most of the hysteria caused over this issue is based on unfounded claims. Then there is the opposition to halal and/or kosher products due to their religious context. Objection on such grounds becomes a matter of ones views on diversity and ones ability to accept differences among members of our society. In an increasingly globalised world, intolerance and an inability to coexist will significantly hamper our economic and social progress. Brisbane recently hosted the G20 Summit where the worlds most prominent leaders promoted more global collaboration and intercontinental relationships, not less. Finally, there is the economic argument that non-Muslim consumers are having to pay for halal certification. This argument ignores the fact that like many other business expenses (e.g. advertising) the extra sales generated from independent certification usually far exceed the cost. So companies, employees and customers are actually better off financially in most cases. Given that certification generally increases profits, companies may find themselves being accused of simply claiming their products are halal. Independent certification allows companies to overcome this conflict of interest, and gain or enhance consumer trust. Independence provides credibility to sellers and comfort to buyers. This is why people often get a mechanic to check a second hand car before buying it. It is also logical to expect these independent certifiers to charge a fee to recoup their costs and make a profit from offering their services. This contributes to the growth of our economy, increases employment and generates tax revenue for the Government. Australian farmers, the unsung heroes of our economy, are arguably the biggest beneficiaries of independent halal certification. Our farmers have gained access to new customers in countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia, and the Middle East region thanks to independent certification. Our farmers have suffered from crippling droughts throughout the country, and the sector has been struggling as a whole in recent years. Halal certification has offered many of them some respite from the economic challenges which they face daily. Fahim Khondaker is a Chartered Accountant working at a multinational professional services firm in Brisbane. He also coordinated the Brisbane leg of the national event, Walk Together, and has been involved in an advisory capacity with multiple Muslim organisations in Brisbane, particularly in relation to the community response to the Foreign Fighters Bill. You can follow him on Twitter: @Fahim_Khondaker
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:48:21 +0000

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