From the Heart: I Love what I do as a Visual Artist... - TopicsExpress


From the Heart: I Love what I do as a Visual Artist... Especially since I have made the decision to embrace Art as a Lifestyle and even try to see my surroundings through the eyes of Art. I try not to compare mySelf to other Visual Artists, but I know for a fact that there are soooooo many other Artists who are a much better and more polished Artists than I am; many of them (here and abroad) I consider my closest Comrades. Which is why it also means a LOT to me when someone chooses ME to invest money in for either a personal Art Commission, a print of one of my originals, and especially to those rare few who invest in one of my original Art pieces. In this Freelance Art-Career, the unfortunate thing is that Art tends to be an Investment, and rarely a need... Just like I create Art (be it personal Art to sell either as an original or print, or Art Commissions) so that I can make ends meet for bills and whatnot, many who invest in my Art are typically NOT using money from their paychecks. Its money that they have saved in order to invest in something that literally pays my bills and puts food on the table (along with my regular 9 to 5). Ive made some professional mistakes in the past... Some were admittedly my fault, while others were a combination of bad judgement, poor communication, and folks who were just downright wrong. All of that, however, were Learning experiences that HELPED me in my trade, as well as HELPED me in my Poeartry Creative Movement, LLC - PCM. In this Freelance Art World...Im alone... Other than Honest criticism both professionally and personally from my Wife-Queen, Im alone. I have no agent (not able to afford one at the moment), Im not currently part of any Artist fellowships (plan to be THIS YEAR though), and contrary to what many may believe, I am NOT a successful Artists to the point where I can donate Art to charities or functions where those who attend could probably make those functions successful with JUST their wallets alone. Heck I WISH I could afford to GIVE my Art to charities... But realistically, I am unable to. I WISH I could charge little to nothing for personal Art, but unfortunately I am unable to afford that as well. Being a Freelance Artist can be VERY fulfilling, but also very frustrating. Just like others who own small businesses, it is always US who are almost shaken down for deals that many of those particular clients would go to major corporations and pay the SAME price if not more... I know I sound frustrated... but actually I say all of that to say this: I am very grateful. Through all the frustrations that are caused by potential Art Commission clients changing their minds (for many understandable reasons); Through all the frustrations that are caused by potential clients who Loved my Art, yet who then devalues my Art when the (rather affordable) price is mentioned; Through all the hardcore weeks of trying to get Art Commissions to make financial ends meet for bills WITHOUT trying to sound desperate or too persistent; I STILL remain grateful... Learning a lot of lessons. The main one: Never count your eggs before they hatch...Hell, never even count the eggs before they are even dropped from the chicken. So to ALL who support and have supported my all my FUTURE (hopefully NEAR future) Art Clients who will be investing in my works... Thank You... I Love You. And Thank You for letting me bare my Spirit... I try not to do this a lot on Facebook now... I try to save that for my blogging... But Thank You... Now...WHO wants to invest in a personal Art Commission? #NeoHippie. #ArtIsLove. Bless. Selah
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:33:47 +0000

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