From time to throws you a few curve balls. After a - TopicsExpress


From time to throws you a few curve balls. After a while, you get pretty good at hitting those curve balls....only to be thrown a change up.....and will take a while to get used to hitting a change up but.....the more change ups life sends our way, we will too become accustomed to hitting these out of the park. I view life as a 9 inning baseball game. Take one pitch at a time....until that last pitch...for the last end the game. All the innings in between are just life.....and how you manage it is up to you. What you do from the first pitch to the last pitch is what counts. Feeling a bit stressed today only because with Nicklaus, we see the fun loving, happy going, impish little child.....who plays with no worries and without fear. Then in an instant we see the sick child come out.....which puts us into autopilot mode. We grab the phone...we call Boston. We get our instructions and just instinctively react to what we are told to do. Then...we just do. Our routine is like clock work. Bags packed, phone calls made to doctors and out the door in less than 5 minutes. Hell that is a record for anything LOL. We arrive at the ER in minutes and like robots...we give the nurses the instructions. After all is said an done....i reflect. I think to myself...Amazing how much stuff Nathalie can pack while trying to multi-task. We stay out of each others way knowing we are on limited time....and we get it done. She does her thing and I do mine. grab the I-Pad, grab the charger, grab the blanket, (I mean afterall......Nick need the I-Pad to watch Dragon Tails). I sat alone last night just thinking. Thinking about how fast things a blur....yet as a blur...we still seem to manage to make sure everything gets done. It generally takes 24-48 hours after the fact for everything to sink in...and to get back to normalcy. I mean....yeah....who can really sleep when your adrenaline is running at 100 MPH? is slow.......very slow......tomorrow will be better...and the next day even better.....until we have to do it all over again.....and we will go through the same steps....same way...same reaction.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 17:31:49 +0000

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