Fundamental #8: Focus. Many of us have so many wonderful ideas - TopicsExpress


Fundamental #8: Focus. Many of us have so many wonderful ideas that we fail to achieve anything meaningful because we lack focus. Today we register for this course, attend classes for two terms, then we drop out. Tomorrow we are excited about a business idea, we mobilize some resources and invest. The young business hits a few bumps, we lose hope and abandon the venture and start another one we hear ndi yotentha (more profitable). When you look back, you see a trail of unfinished projects you have been starting and abandoning midway. Lack of focus is probably one of the deadliest diseases of failures. Many of us fail to stick on when things are tough. Our minds keep shifting to new things all the time before we complete the tasks at hand. Lack of focus is one of my greatest weaknesses, so I am actually writing this post to myself, but of course, you are free to learn with me. How then do we discipline ourselves to be focused? There are a number of suggestions, below are a few I have selected: 1) Dont commit to do anything unless you have done a thorough analysis of what it will take and cost you to complete the project. Know exactly what you will have to go through to accomplish the task. Know what you will have to give up and miss out on to create space for the task/project. 2) Dont start any project unless you have allocated time and space to do it. 3) List down all the benefits you will get if you focus and complete the project. List down also what you will lose if you abandon the project midway. 4) Always have the end in mind: focus your mind on the prize, the final picture of your completed task. Be inspired with what you will gain once the project is completed. 5) Avoid the temptation to abandon the project for other greener pastures. There will always be other glittering attractions in life. Successful people are set apart because they remain focused on the task they have committed themselves to accomplish, while forsaking all others. 6) Reward yourself once you accomplish a task or project. If you love pizza and you are in the middle of writing an important report, deny yourself to touch any pizza until the report is finalized. Then go out and order your best pizza to celebrate your victory. Ladies and gentlemen, as I already confessed, this is one of my greatest weaknesses, but I am committing myself to deal with it. I want to learn to be focussed on a single cause, task or project before shifting to another one, so help me God. ACTION POINT: Practice the six points given until you master the art of being focussed till you successfully accomplish a task or project. Lets do this!!!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 06:07:08 +0000

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