Funny fact about Arnab Goswami 1. When Arnab Goswami was in - TopicsExpress


Funny fact about Arnab Goswami 1. When Arnab Goswami was in school, he used to answer every question with 33 questions. 2. Once he was inducted by the CBSE board in a panel to draft questions for the class X board exams. Was dropped after he added a nation needs to know suffix to each question. 3. His first love letter included 137 questions for the object of his affection. 4. Arnabs wife never argues with him as she is afraid of losing . 5. Most of the self proclaimed evidence papers he waves on his show Newshour are grocery lists written by his wife . 6. Goswamis neighbors avoid him during their morning walk in order to prevent being asked 36 questions. 7. Arnab Goswamis maid once fainted due to low BP after Goswami questioned her absence from duty . 8. 8 nano seconds is the longest any panelist has spoken on Newshour without interruption by Arnab. 9. Pakistans former dictator and clown Parvez Musharraf had 5 military interrogators question him non-stop for 34 hours in preparation for his first appearance on Newshour. 10. He starts his day with 36 questions to self . 11. Once a service manager at a prominent 5-star hotel asked Arnab for feeback on his stay. The manager was released only after Goswami asked him 74 questions. 12. Panel-Panel was Arnabs favorite game as a 6-year old. He used to gang up with 4 neighborhood kids and grill random kids on random topics. 13. His autobiography The nation needs to know is written in a QnA format. 14. During his interview for a job as a reporter for NDTV, Arnab asked Pranoy Roy 93 questions in under one hour. 15. Arnab and Rajdeep Sardesais rivalry goes back to college days. Both fell for the same girl. While Arnab used to send her 36 questions every day to impress her, Rajdeep used to dye his hair grey hoping to win her over with a mature look.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:24:44 +0000

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