GET WITH GOD IF YOU LIVE WITHOUT GOD, HEAVEN BEAR ME WITNESS TODAY THAT I CALLED YOU TO GET ALONG WITH GOD FOR IT IS PROFITABLE. ‘For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall.’ – Psalms 18:29 There will always be opposing troops and limiting walls. But with God you can run through the troop and leap over the wall. The key is being WITH GOD. It is God that enables you to run through the troop and leap over every limiting wall. WITH GOD ALL things are possible (Mk 10:27) For WITH GOD nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37) Securing the presence of God is critical. WITHOUT. GOD I AM NOTHING: I am limited to only natural means to solve my problems. But with God the impossible is possible. With God all things are possible. ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes’ – Mark 9:23 So to him that believes nothing shall be impossible: to him that believes all things are possible. So your faith takes you into the realm of God, with Whom nothing is impossible. Your faith does not make you God. Your faith attracts God because faith pleases God. When you believe, God is attracted to you and WITH GOD nothing is impossible. Securing the presence of God is critical. Is God with you or are you with God? Two solutions: Get God with you or get with God. You can get God to be with you by faith because God is attracted to faith: nothing pleases Him like faith (Heb. 11:6). You can get God to be with you by attracting Him with the aroma of worship. You can get God to be with you by repentance: a broken and contrite heart. You can get with God by aligning yourself to His purposes. You can get with God by putting Him first. You can get with God by being passionate about what He is passionate about. You get with God by loving your neighbors. You get with God by kissing your spouse with love of God. You get with God by forgiven others their tress passes. strength to get with God is impacted to unto you in Jesus name. TODAY GET WITH GOD!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:10:22 +0000

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