GETTING ANGRY - SHUTTING OPERATION STREAMLINE DOWN: In a previous post I mentioned that while we need to live in a place of harmony and balance, sometimes, we need to get angry. I am reminded of this as I am reading final papers from my students. In particular, many worked on a project regarding Operation Streamline -- a kangaroo court mascarading as an immigration judicial proceeding, reminiscent more of something right out of the 1500s. If you have never witnessed this dehumanizing court procedure, you need to. Every day, 70 or so Indigenous defendants are chained from their ankles waist and wrists, and paraded in front of a judge. All are found guilty and sent to a private prison. The entire proceeding takes about an hour. Last one I went to lasted 34 minutes. And it is a guarantee that if this does does not cause you to be angry, nothing will. It is one charade that needs to be shut down, yesterday. What else causes me to be angry? My students getting their family members deported... or seeing them fight to prevent the deportation of family members. What else? The normalization of the mockery of Mexicans/Central Americans, primarily in the media, etc.... what about the media acting as though it has amnesia when they treat U.S. war criminals - who prosecuted an illegal war (Iraq) and condoned/authorized torture - with respect... The list goes on... thats why we do need balance and not live with hate... but a little bit of anger -- and channeling it in the right direction once in a while will hurt no one when it is righteously called for.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 14:52:49 +0000

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