GINGKO BILOBA – the memory herb! It cannot be overemphasized - TopicsExpress


GINGKO BILOBA – the memory herb! It cannot be overemphasized how vital blood circulation is to our health and well-being. The quality of circulation and how freely blood can move through the vessels to all parts of the body and how well it can carry nutrients (such as oxygen, sugars, enzymes and other life-giving nutrients) and remove the waste products of cellular metabolism directly affects the health of every cell in the body. When all these nutrients are not supplied to the body every minute of the day and the wastes are not constantly removed, the body begins to age more rapidly. We begin to experience aches and pains, we get stiff, our joints start to weaken, our energy levels dwindle rapidly, our senses become dulled, and the brain and memory become sluggish. We cannot learn new things as well, we forget important telephone numbers, names of friends, and generally we have trouble keeping up with all the changes going on around us. The herb is Gingko biloba. Gingko is the oldest living tree species – over 150 million years old. It is also one of the most well researched herbs in the world, with over 400 studies to date. According to one German study, blood flow increased 57 per cent one hour after Gingko was taken. Another study found that gingko improved brain function by a striking 72 per cent on average after three months of use. In yet another study of 200 patients who endured memory problems for about 4 years, 71 per cent improved after 3 months on gingko, compared with 32 per cent on placebo (an inactive sugar pill). Apart from its memory enhancing qualities, it is also used by many Health care practitioners for the treatment of vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and a variety of neurological and circulation problems, including impotence. Gingko can also help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy. Gingko works by increasing blood flow to the brain and other body tissues by helping to dilate the tiny capillary networks that run throughout the body. It has two groups of active substances, flavonoids and terpene lactones, including ginkgolides A, B and C, bilobalide, quercetin and kaempferol. As the blood circulation in the brain is improved with the continual use of gingko, this helps to improve short and long term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity. It is now the natural treatment of choice in Europe for Alzheimer’s disease (a type of senile dementia) that includes difficulties of concentration, memory, absentmindedness and confusion, lack of energy, depressive mood, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus and headache. Other benefits from using gingko, based upon scientific studies, include: complications from stroke and skull injuries, the treatment of eye and ear disorders (can increase blood flow to the retina and slow down deterioration), improving circulation in the extremities, which is common in diabetics.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:49:18 +0000

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