GM FOOD DID I HEAR THIS CORRECT ? WE ARE BEING POISONED FOR MONEY. Yet again the UK TORY Dictatorship is killing us of for Profit for theirselves and once again for their rich friends. Look at the sky,have you noticed these long white trails that now many Commercial Airplanes and Military specially adapted Airplanes leave behind. Have you noticed that they now stay there but get wider the longer their there. Have you noticed that bees are dying or you just dont see that many a round,have also noticed very few wild life a round these last few years. Did you know that 45% of the worlds wile life has disappeared, ( Have died off ). Do you know why GM Foods are now been pushed a round for us to eat. ( I say us meaning us plebs while Ca-MORON and the rest of these wanking MPs will not be touching because it kills slowly. The Answer is CHEMTRAILS. What are chemtrails? Chemtrails is a term widely used to describe unusual persistent jet emissions. They are highly toxic trails of sub micon particulates including ionizing salts left by planes that make man-made toxic cloud cover. Chemtrails are defined in HR-2977 (PDF) as an “exotic weapon” – NOT a method to “counteract anthropogenic (man made) climate change”. So once again we see that were never told about these,we were never going to be told about these,and you wonder why your kids are always ill,are have you never wounded why we now have so many dumb people a round. And as for the Government helping out with Solar Panels,is this not another piss take to make more of their friend rich at the expense of the tax payer and the misinformed public. CHEMTRAILS BLOCK OUT THE SUN SO ONLY HALF WILL EVER REACH THESE Solar Panels. GM Food. AND IN THE UK RIGHT NOW We have this from are Money grabbing Two faced D.Ca-MORON Tory Government. GMOs Pmsl, UK government bans GMOs from its own Parliament restaurants while telling public to embrace genetic poisons. Dont worry David,the British Public still dont believe any thing about how this GMOs works,so they will carry on regardless until their mostly dead. davidicke/headlines/86425-uk-government-bans-gmos-from-its-own-parliament-restaurants-while-telling-public-to-embrace-genetic-poisons ------------------------------------ GM FOOD. Geneticist David Suzuki Says Humans “Are Part Of A Massive Experiment” November 25, 2013 by Arjun Walia. - See more at: collective-evolution/2013/11/25/geneticist-david-suzuki-says-humans-are-part-of-a-massive-genetic-experiment/#sthash.YoxXD9jd.dpuf ----------------------------------------- UK Government Set to Support Monsanto in EU Court Posted on Nov 21 2013 - 9:22pm by Sustainable Pulse. sustainablepulse/2013/11/21/uk-government-support-monsanto-civil-groups-eu-court/#.Uo_Gg38gGSN ---------------------------------------------- SIDE EFFECTS OF GMOS – ASK YOUR DOCTOR IF CANCER IS RIGHT FOR YOU. naturalnews/037621_gmo_side_effects_cancer.html ---------------------------------------- OVER 800 WORLD SCIENTISTS AGREE: GM CROPS ARE NOTHING SHORT OF A BIO-WAR ON OUR FOOD. truththeory/2013/05/28/over-800-world-scientists-agree-gm-crops-are-nothing-short-of-a-bio-war-on-our-food/ -------------------------------------- Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act. ( GM FOOD ) 1st April 2014 Barack Obama recently signed a bill into law that was written by the billion-dollar corporation that will benefit from it. The Monsanto Protection Act allows Monsanto to override United States federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the US. The government has no power whatsoever to stop Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations from planting and harvesting. After Obama signed H.R. 933, the provision was final, there can be no litigation against these corporations at all. Corrupt food corporations are now allowed to plant and sell their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds. It wasn’t long ago that Monsanto rejected multiple studies on GMO crop risk. We are seeing the power of the fact that multinational corporations own the government. Here is a bogus quote from the Monsanto corp. - See more at: naturalhealthwarriors/obama-signs-monsanto-protection-act/#sthash.gd1hDNSy.dpuf ==============. ================== Scientific fraud? DuPont study deliberately hid toxic effects of GMOs fed to rats. Learn more: naturalnews/046224_GMOs_DuPont_study_scientific_fraud.html?utm_content=buffer2fc71&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz38xjW7NO4 DID I HEAR THIS CORRECT ? WE ARE BEING POISONED FOR MONEY https://facebook/video.php?v=743853178996927&set=vb.132091450173106&type=2&theater
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:38:36 +0000

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