GNOSIS - 36th session The Earth and its beautiful people - TopicsExpress


GNOSIS - 36th session The Earth and its beautiful people have received a death sentence long ago, yet the majority of the peoples treat this unbelievable truth nothing more than a scary joke or some fiction woven up by bestselling novelists. I am Kevin Falzon and I’ve got news for you. These threats are real and only a few are working against them with dead-seriousness. The rest of the planet is glued to a matrix and a world that does not exist. I am one of many persons on Earth that are trying to spread the awareness. But when I look around the result is hardly changing. A good look at why things are coming out into the public so fast nowadays is because you don’t have to show yourself to declare something; one can say whatever one wants and still remain anonymous. That’s one. Secondly, people are joining the Army of Truth because a few years ago one would’ve been judged crazy if one spoke publicly about ETs on Earth. Today so many are talking about ET’s that it’s no big deal any longer. This is very good. So now let’s concentrate our work to enhance the world’s awareness about the much more critical issues! In 2011 on the TV talk-show Xarabank, I spoke about extraterrestrials and as I was speaking I could hear people whispering ‘he’s nuts’ ‘he’s crazy’ or ‘it keeps getting better! We have aliens on earth now as well!’ Typical. But I wasn’t dithered. When it comes to such things I have the heart of a lion. I always said that I am not a speaker; in fact I always make an effort to deliver a talk in Gnosis or in other seminars. I don’t care if I make mistakes (which I always do). My sole aim is to bring awareness not to look good. I am doing my job to fulfil my mission in this lifetime. Now do yours. Spread the word. If you don’t know what the word is come and join us at Gnosis on Tuesday 5th where I and others will bring the decisive pieces of the puzzle together for those who are unfamiliar with the Elites’ agendas against us. ________________ We start at 6:00 with Meditation. Please be on time. Blessings to all. Click event page to join: https://facebook/events/545373115541950/?notif_t=plan_user_joined
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:44:57 +0000

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