GOOGLE; RECENT ARTICLES, LETTERS & NOTIFICATIONS by DEHS. (Last Edited; June 24, 2014) 1) Financial & Human Rights News; SECRET TPPartnership, C-CITreaty & CETA TRIBUNALS are INSIDER TRADING; corp. Canada tells China to Hit the Road if Chinese style anti-corruption Blows Arrangements between Can. Lobbyists Clients & Parties Executives (W.A.D. Accord*)? NON Shareholders HAVE TO PAY the arranged PENALTIES. Non SHAREHOLDERS, Native & Non Native, are WHINING CAMP FOLLOWERS? 2) FINANCIAL & HUMAN RIGHTS NEWS: EU - CAN. Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (CETA): EU may consider Renditioning Info as Condition of CETA Deal to Minimize Unethical & Inhumane Arrangements between Canadian lobbyists clients/parties executives; CHINA may follow in C-CITreaty?, 3) WHY the AFN may be DRAGGING its HEELS on CRITICALLY N.B. ISSUES & Causing the Formation of a New First Nations Group?, 4) NATIVE SUICIDES LINKED TO INFO. DEPRIVATION HELP IS ON THE WAY?, 5) C-CI Treaty; Its Now SAFE... CETA... Euros cautioned about corporate Canada, 6) (RSN) CHINAS KIND HELP from its MINISTRY of STATE SECURITY (MSS) maybe ACCEPTED by CSIS...?, 7) > “... WE ARE RACIST when it comes to dealing with CANADIANS...”? FINANCIAL & HUMAN RIGHTS NEWS; DEHS, Re; A Response... is not an answer to the questions raised in C-CI Treaty; SPY/AGENT PROVOCATEUR...or, The RELUCTANT (Ethical & Humane) PATRIOT?, 8) FINANCIAL NEWS: Canada-European Union - Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement (TIEA) The taxpayers/voters of Europe are cautioned... arrangements with corporate Canada, 9) (RSN) CSIS; PRIVY COUNCIL; The THREAT ASSESSMENT; CSIS; re; NAFT Agreement, C-CI Treaty, CET Agreement, TP Partnership, et al. (Edited; Jan., 2014), 10) > Have you HELPED YOUR FAMILY & Friends by sending your NOTIFICATION of a PREEXISTING CHALLENGE?, 11) (RSN) SPY/AGENT PROVOCATEUR for corp. China-Canada, & their Investors, or, The RELUCTANT (Ethical & Humane) PATRIOT for the Most Vulnerable (99%) of Canadians-Chinese, et al?; The Mechanism for Ascertaining & Vote to stop, &/or, Improve the Canada-China FIPPA, 12) A Response... is not an answer to the questions raised in C-CI Treaty...; a Letter to an MP, 13) USING The WAD ACCORD to IMPROVE, &/or, ELIMINATE the C-CI Treaty (FIPPA); Response to Ms. Elizabeth May - MP, Nov. 2, 2012 letter; (China treaty uproar signals growing rift between Ottawa, grassroots conservatives), 14) (RSN) TIRED of Political BELIEFS; why not ask QUESTIONS that can form the basis for more INFORMED OPINIONS? See; Response to Ms. Elizabeth May - MP, Nov. 2, 2012 letter.A DIAGNOSTIC TEST of Canadas Version of DEMOCRACY; SIMPLE, DEMOCRATIC QUESTIONS for our(?) Members of Parliament, et al., 15) (RSN) SECRET C-CITreaty & CETA TRIBUNALS are INSIDER TRADING, 16) >WELL, YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. - George H.W. Bush. Re; American police to operate on Canadian soil; arrangements between corporate America & corporate Canada; CETA & C-CIT., 17) >The RED HERRING; The SENATE SCANDAL, 18) Indigenous Economies & MUNICIPAL EMANCIPATION, 19) (RSN) Non SHAREHOLDERS, Native & Non Native, are WHINING CAMP FOLLOWERS?, 20) CONSIDERATIONS paid to ALL PARTIES to PROMOTE C-CITreaty & CETA, et al and to LIMIT OPPOSITION (see; The WAD Accord)?, 21) (RSN) INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE, or, INTELLIGENT SHARING; The Edge, or, Illusion for Who?, 22) (RSN) DEATH of FIRST NATIONS; NOW SUE-ABLE NATIVE FIRST MUNICIPALITIES; EMANCIPATION & Indigenous Economies)?, 23) (RSN) The Termination Plan for Native Canadians, ET AL; The COUNTER OFFER REFERENDUMS; The WAD Accord, The Notification of C-CI Treaty (CETA & TPP), The Termination Plan, The T.P. Counter Offer, et al, 24) GLOBAL LOBBYISTS MANAGERS ACKNOWLEDGE & understand REFERENDUMS on; The WAD ACCORDs COMPENSATION, NOTIFICATION of Preexisting CHALLENGES to C-CI Treaty (& CET Agreement, TP Partnership, et al,) The COUNTER OFFER to The Termination Plan for Native Canadians, ET AL, et al?, 25) CHAIRMAN MAOS LAST LAUGH? / The GREEN PARTY of CANADA, et al, LEAKs..., 26) (RSN) An OPEN LETTER to Canadian NON SHAREHOLDERS (both; Native & non Native), et al.145 years of corporate Canada using non shareholders tax dollars to be used to REWARD SHAREHOLDERS with punitive penalties paid by NON SHAREHOLDERS via NAFTA, C-CIT, CETA, TPP, et al, SECRET TRIBUNALS, 27) (RSN) TOWARDS A MORE INFORMED OPINION; The SHAREHOLDERS of the Global Corporate Economy VS. the NON SHAREHOLDERS; The Acceleration of The FINAL DISPARITY between the Rich & the Poor; Enbridges Northern Gateway (Pipeline) Project 28) (RSN) HELP IS ON THE WAY?; The INHUMANELY HIGH RATES of SUICIDES, etc. in Canada 29) Global corp. economys Old KREMLIN STRATEGY works for corp. Canadas political leaders; DISAPPEARED & SUICIDE-D Activists along DEATH-POTS Highway (#16) gives new meaning to RED OCTOBER as corp.Can Desperate to KILL WAD Accords COMPENSATION INFO Re; TPP, C-CIT, CETA, NAFTA, Shareholders arrangements? 30) LINE UP for IPOs re; TPPARTNERSHIPs derived ENTERPRISES, just got Shorter. PREVENTION of RACIAL STEREOTYPING with DISTINCTION may HELP RECOVERY? Human Nature; How Cultures & Traditions can be used to try & explain Bullying & Info Deprivation to Protect the Power of “Death-Pots”. 31) Grand Chief Shawn Atleos sudden Departure. 32) DONATIONS vs. LOBBYISTS CONSIDERATIONS... 33) Is YOUR Member of Parliament getting enough CONSIDERATION for YOU for LIMITING his/her “OPPOSITION”? 34) YOUR Notification to PM HARPER & WHERE to LEARN for TAX CREDIT? 35) CETA; IS corporate CANADA JUST continuing its SUCKING UP (via theC-CITreaty) & shi...PURGING DOWN? 36) Thank you President Jose Barroso (EU Commission), President Herman Van Rompuy (EUCouncil), President Schulz (EU Parliament), citizens of the European Union, et al; The European Unions Commissions receipt of: The NOTIFICATION of Preexisting CHALLENGE to the EU - Canada Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (CETA); EU may consider Renditioning Info as Condition of CETA Deal to Minimize Unethical & Inhumane Arrangements between Canadian lobbyists clients/parties executives; CHINA Unprotected with C-CITreaty? (CAN) see also; 1) (RSN) PRIME MINISTER HARPER, et al, YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED with; NOTIFICATIONS of Preexisting CHALLENGES to the C-CI Treaty & CET Agreement, TP Partnership et al. and 2) A) PRESIDENT XI JINPING (CHINA); YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED with The NOTIFICATION of Preexisting CHALLENGE to the C-CITreaty, B) PRESIDENTS; H.V. ROMPUY (EU Council), J. BARROSO (EU Commission) & M. SCHULZ (EU Parliament); YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED with The NOTIFICATION of Preexisting CHALLENGE to the CETAgreement, C) PRESIDENTS/PRIME MINISTERS Trans Pacific nations; YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED with The NOTIFICATION of Preexisting CHALLENGE to theTPPartnership. ********
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:52:47 +0000

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