GREAT CAPTAIN JC The safest ship you can ever board is the one - TopicsExpress


GREAT CAPTAIN JC The safest ship you can ever board is the one controlled by Captain JC. He is such a great sailor, but the truth is that sometimes His ship appears rougher than other ships and if you are the kind of person that easily gets fascinated by aesthetics and appearance rather than quality of content, you may miss His ship but if you are careful and patient enough, you will see His name boldly written on His ship as captain JC –Sail Gently. The reason that i say His ship is the safest, is because from records and experience, He Has always been able to apply wonderful, exceptional and mysterious skills to overcoming storms, obstacles and pirates . No matter how tough the situation may be, He is sure to manoeuvre, and the passengers are always happy at the end of every journey. However, he has certain principles. For instance, the passengers need to trust in Him else they lose their patience and hope. out of lost hope, Sometimes in the midst of obstacles , passengers jump out of His ship or link up with other ships, but they end up getting drown or attacked by Sharks and pirates .The end afterwards is disaster except for those who are able to find their way back to Captain JC’s Ship. One other beautiful thing about this captain, is that He has an unquantifiable love for His passengers, that makes him take any risk, even die for them just to get them to a safe land, a destination where they live to be happy forever. He is always willing to welcome those who make efforts to join His ship in the midst of storms ; ‘aqua- turbulence and pressure’ . The most wonderful thing about this same captain JC , is that apart from controlling ships, He is also capable of contolling all other means of transportation and when He controls any of them, He remained ; The best, the greatest, the finest and the safest controller ever. People have been asking me about captain JC , but the same answer i give to them, is what i will give to you. “It is not like ’ He is hard to find ‘ but i can tell you, that you need to put in some effort towards meeting Him just as i and those who have met Him also need effort not to lose Him and no matter how much i try to link you to Him, you need to also serach for Him, discover him, and know Him better and when you’ve found Him, you can then call Him the best kind of name(s) you wish but as for me, He remains Father JC,Daddy JC.................. CAPTAIN JC. For more information about Captain JC contact : Inspired by : Captain JC Composed by : Stedi .C.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:03:58 +0000

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