GUTTED! I dont like to question managers at the highest level but - TopicsExpress


GUTTED! I dont like to question managers at the highest level but I have to wonder what is going through Arsene Wengers mind recently... In relation to todays game: 1. only one holding midfielder against a free flowing Chelsea who are top of the league and generally have been playing on the break; 2. and then Arteta instead of Flamini at that. WTF? Arteta is alright as a holding midfielder when he has the ox or flamini beside him but clearly today Arsenal were starting with a 4-1-4-1 formation so Arteta was on his own providing no protection for the back 4; 3. Carzola cannot handle physical opposition that are at his level technically. It is one thing to over come physicality against less technical opposition but not when they are at your level which has stood out again today. Easy fix would have been Flamini in for Carzola and he would have been great coming off the bench depending on the way the game was going in the 2nd half; 4. Giroud is out of fuel. This takes me back to the fact that all top teams have 3 - yes at least 3 quality strikers. We have one that is above average and a bunch of kids with potential; 5. Mertesacker and Koscielny are tired too. There should have been much more rotation with those two and Vermaelen over the course of the season. Vermaelen is a quality centre back and over serious injury and should be given more game time to rest one of the others which will also provide him with more confidence; The time for excuses is coming to an end. The stadium is paid for and we have cash in the bank. We need to bring in at least one world class striker, a midfielder like diaby without the injury problems that poor man has suffered and a right back because Sagna I feel is becoming a negative influence on the squad. We have enough midfielders and when you have a look at the injuries atm - Ozil, Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott and (can I count him??) Diaby. Losing Ramsey at Christmas was like if Liverpool lost suarez, city lost aguero or Manu lost rvp. I was excited more in hope than anything else in the first half of the season and certainly didnt have any unrealistic expectations of where we might end up on the table - as much as I may have displayed to the contrary on fb. Tonights game has led to me boiling over and venting with this brief vent (trust me the above is only covering the major cracks that have opened up in the 2nd of the season and based on tonights game). The (European) summer will not be an easy one for potential transfers due to the WC and given Arsene likes to play poker with selling clubs we may end up with another bunch of teenagers or speculative buys at the last second to fill the squad. Over all there are 4 or 5 that need to go which means about 7 or 8 need to come in and I know that is not going to happen so it could be a couple of years before we even see the top 2... Ciao until we meet Swansea mid week!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:08:26 +0000

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