Geelani issues protest calendar UN chalo on Sept 18, protests - TopicsExpress


Geelani issues protest calendar UN chalo on Sept 18, protests after Friday prayers, shutdown on Sept 21 Srinagar, Sep 17:Accusing India of carrying out “genocide of Kashmiris”, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani Monday issued a fresh protest calendar and called for “UN chalo” on September 18 and complete shutdown on September 21 to protest against the civilians killings. “We appeal people to observe complete shutdown on September 21 to protest against the illegal occupation of Kashmir and the civilian killing by troops,” Geelani said. He urged people to march towards UN office at Sonawar on September 18. “People should reach my Hyderpora office on September 18 and from there we will march towards UN office at Sonawar in a procession. We will submit a memorandum to United Nations observers and apprise them about killings and human rights violations being committed by troops in Kashmir”. Geelani also appealed people to stage peaceful protests after Friday prayers on September 20. Hinting at prolonging protests, he said the situation demands a strategy be evolved to keep the resistance movement going. He condemned the restrictions in South Kashmir and said people have been subjected to harsh conditions. “People are facing acute shortage of essentials and medicines”. “India is carrying out genocide of Kashmiris to strengthen its occupation. India is using all oppressive means to suppress freedom sentiments of the people,” Geelani said adding they will continue their struggle till the goal is achieved. He said they will evolve a strategy that will be acceptable to all sections of society. “We need to put more vigour in our struggle to take it to logical conclusion”. #syedsuhail
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:01:44 +0000

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