General Horoscope It may seem nearly impossible to take any one - TopicsExpress


General Horoscope It may seem nearly impossible to take any one idea and follow it through to conclusion today. The adaptable Gemini Moon encourages us to be so flexible that we bounce from one concept to another without finishing anything at all. Although we can amuse ourselves with our ingenuity, we might also break free from comfortable thought patterns which have deepened into ruts. Fortunately, the Suns shift into fixed Leo helps anchor us to our intentions. ABOUT ARIES Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19) Your perceptions may be crystal clear but you must limit the quantity of data you receive or you could change your mind every few minutes throughout the day. You are fascinated by new concepts and are eager to fully embrace them as yours. Rather than overreacting by jumping to the next good idea, choose one and take it as far as you can. E.E. Cummings wrote, Id rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. ABOUT TAURUS Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20) Theres nothing wrong with your logic today, but dont focus on the mistakes of others. Lead by example and do what you can to improve your own work, instead. However, a critical attitude by itself wont prompt you to make personal changes, for you are most likely to acquiesce when gently coaxed, rather than if you feel forced into action. Youre more likely to succeed if you believe in what youre doing. ABOUT GEMINI Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20) The pace of the past few days may have seemed a bit slow, but todays mentally active Gemini Moon continues a fresh energy cycle that inspires you with one idea after another. You could actually have too much on your plate, making it difficult to decide what to do next. Its best not to take on more than you can handle, but this means you must stop long enough to establish your priorities. Think first; act later. ABOUT CANCER Cancer Horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22) You are some what agitated by your overactive imagination that could make prolonged concentration very challenging today. You can make the most of this creative buzz by finding a quiet place to unwind a bit. If possible, take some time away from your work now, but dont confuse needing solitude with being lazy. Let your mind travel where it chooses and you just might come up with a brilliant new idea that makes your escape seem worthwhile. ABOUT LEO Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22) You are feeling overly vulnerable today and words that would normally roll off your back may feel like an attack. Maintaining an objective perspective is a smart way to stay calm, for the situation is not likely as threatening as it seems. Although others may be in a playful mood, you might be missing the joke. Instead of letting your pride get in the way, stop taking everything so personally and join in the fun. ABOUT VIRGO Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Casually contacting a friend could end up helping you professionally now. Even someone you barely know may be of assistance in ways you cannot yet comprehend. Today, your job isnt to criticize anything or anyone, but to simply open yourself up to the possibilities. There is more going on than meets the eye, so save your judgment until you better understand what others can contribute. You cant rush some things; trust develops on its own schedule. ABOUT LIBRA Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Its an excellent day to smooth out wrinkles in an existing relationship, even if very delicate diplomacy is required. The most crucial thing is to understand one another, especially in personal matters. Compassion is needed to keep a conversation going, so be kind with your tone while being truthful with your words. Balancing honesty with respect enables you to exchange points of view under the best possible conditions. Communication is a two-way street. ABOUT SCORPIO Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Discussions may grow more serious today, yet your persistence allows you to resolve a sticky issue. Engaging in dialogue wont be enough, though; a bit of flexibility on both sides is necessary to grease the process. Just remember that if you think you know the answer, there are still other possible responses to consider. Dont dig in your heels for no reason; make adaptability your mantra and youll come out a winner. ABOUT SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21) New worlds of possibilities are calling, but first you have a few practical matters to handle. Starting out by tackling the most ordinary tasks now can give you the freedom to enjoy yourself later. Dont worry if youre feeling restless because your boredom wont last long. Hurry up and finish your chores; there will be plenty of activity to keep you entertained before you know it. ABOUT CAPRICORN Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Your best-laid plans may begin to crumble under the pressure now as unexpected demands are put on your time and energy. Nevertheless, remember to give yourself a break as the pace of your daily life speeds up. Accepting that you cant complete everything today might be enough to change the dynamics and help you to relax. Paradoxically, doing only what is absolutely necessary might actually enable you to finish more, faster than you expect. ABOUT AQUARIUS Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Exploring a delightful variety of stimulating people, places and activities enriches your life in so many ways. You are happily entertained by little things as romantic energies begin to stir. Even a casual conversation can suddenly turn flirtatious today. But dont get too attached to any particular outcome; enjoy the innocence of living in the moment. Acting spontaneously adds a lovely element of surprise to your day. ABOUT PISCES Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Life is simpler these days if you have fewer family obligations, so dont complicate matters by making so many promises now that you fall behind on your commitments. Acting with confidence is healthy, but blind optimism is not. Even if everything appears to be under control for the moment, conditions can change unexpectedly. Avoid being caught off guard by consciously setting limits and sticking to them.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:02:08 +0000

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