General Orders No. 138: From General Lee to the troops. The - TopicsExpress


General Orders No. 138: From General Lee to the troops. The General Commanding, takes this occasion to express to the officers and soldiers of the army, his high appreciation of the fortitude, valor and devotion displayed by them, which under the blessing of Almighty God, have added the victory of Fredericksburg to the long list of their triumphs. An arduous march, performed with celerity under many disadvantages, exhibited the discipline and spirit of the troops, and their eagerness to confront the foe. The immense army of the enemy completed its operations for the attack without interruption and gave battle in its own time, and on ground of its own selection. It was encountered by less than twenty thousand of this brave army, and its columns crushed and broken, hurled back at every point with such fearful slaughter, that escape from entire destruction became the boast of those who had advanced in full confidence of victory. That this great result was achieved with a loss small in point of numbers, only augments the admiration with which the Commanding General regards the prowess of the troops, and increases his gratitude to Him who hath given us the victory. This war is not yet ended. The enemy is still numerous and strong, and the country demands of the army a renewal of the heroic efforts in her behalf. Nobly has it responded to her call in the past, and she will never appeal in vain to its courage and patriotism. The signal manifestations of Divine mercy that have distinguished the eventful and glorious campaign of the year just closing give assurance of hope that under the guidance of the same Almighty hand, the coming year will be no less fruitful of events that will ensure the safety, peace and happiness of our beloved country; and add new lustre to the already imperishable name of the Army of Northern Virginia. Robert E. Lee, General
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:45:51 +0000

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