Get a Vision Companies have vision. A vision of where they - TopicsExpress


Get a Vision Companies have vision. A vision of where they want to be in a year or two years time. They then create a strategy followed by plans of how they are going to achieve their vision. Armies have a vision. A vision of what they want to achieve. They then plan and implement each step of the way to achieve that vision, until they reach their sought after victory. Along the way, things will change which will require changing plans, maybe moving back to move forward in another direction. What remains constant though is the vision. The vision is solid. It never changes. Everything is aimed towards the target. To succeed in any enterprise we must have the same kind of vision in our own lives. You must become the general or CEO of your own life. No matter what your current circumstances are, whether you are employed or unemployed, retired or approaching retirement you still need a vision to strive towards. Without a vision, you are drifting, at the whim of every social wind that hits you, every change in the economy. Without a vision, you have handed control of your life over to others who dont have your interests at heart. With a vision youre making your own trail, without one youre been dragged through paths you may not like. Are you happy with your life? If you are fair enough, thanks for reading. If youre not then do something about it. The first thing you need to do is create a vision. A vision is an image in your mind of where you want to be within a certain time frame. What you want to achieve in certain areas of your life. I have a vision that I want to create a successful online company. My large vision is of a large successful eCommerce website making enough profit for me to enjoy a good lifestyle. In order to achieve that vision I have broken it down into smaller goals. Goals to be achieved within a certain timeframe that will get me closer to the big vision. The important thing is the vision. I am aiming for this target. This is the ground I as the CEO or general of my own life, I must reach. Everything I do is aimed towards it. My destination is specific. I know exactly what I want to achieve and in what timeframe. Im focused and determined. So far, Ive encountered lots of problems along my chosen route. Sometimes Ive had to tread water while I come up with a solution to a specific problem. But the vision remains. The target is still there. The obstacle is a temporary blockage to be overcome. With vision comes focus. Powerful focus is like light focused into a laser, it is unstoppable. If you dont have a vision of where you want to be. Stop right now. Take some time out and think about what you would like to achieve. Write it down. Then think of the time frame you would like to achieve it in. Write this down. Once you have a clear vision of what you would like to achieve break it down into small steps then aim for it. Make all the decisions required to hit the target. Become the CEO or general of your own life. Your life on this planet is too important to leave it for others to decide whats best for you. Get a vision and become all you can be. Paul is the author of the blog The blog discusses all aspects of starting a business in middle age. It also follows Paul as he runs his own business. He lives in Leeds in the north of England with his wife, family and dogs.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:19:53 +0000

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