Global warming hypocrites: Clooney flies to Germany for a back - TopicsExpress


Global warming hypocrites: Clooney flies to Germany for a back exam. And how does the environmentally conscious Clooney justify burning tonnes of jet fuel and spewing greenhouse gases directly into upper troposphere (where it supposedly really hurts the climate)? Well damn it, my back hurts! And Obamacare is for the simple folks, anyway. The media also report that this month Clooney will be taking his jet to Italy to get married. For that event Hollywood stars Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon will also be flying in on private jet(s), also spewing more tonnes of greenhouse gas into the upper troposphere on the carbon account of Mr. Clooney. Conservation is for the little people.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 10:17:24 +0000

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