God Can Save the Lawless! A lawless person is one who breaks, - TopicsExpress


God Can Save the Lawless! A lawless person is one who breaks, violates, disobeys or transgresses the law. This can be done ignorantly or deliberately. In the New Testament the term lawless is used to describe those who knowingly, deliberately and willfully rebel against the laws of God and man. These are people who despise and defy the law. They refuse to be under God’s rule and God’s government. They refuse to surrender to God’s Word and God’s will. They want to make their own laws and be their own king and follow their own way. The lawless person cries out in his heart, not God’s will, but my will be done! God hates sin and God hates lawlessness. 1 John 3:4 we find these words (as translated directly from the Greek text): Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness! JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE THE LAWLESS SINNER!!!! What we are witnessing in Ferguson and other parts of our country is a momentous and unprecedented demonstration of lawlessness. It comes from the absolute lack of morals. The speed at which marriage, gender, and morality has been redefined is stunning. The Scriptures give a very clear and prophetic warning concerning this phenomenon : Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20) Dont fall for this trap because times have changed but GOD and His ways do not. It is no accident that the redefining of sin is redefining the character of righteousness. Because sin is being established as the law of the land, righteousness will be seen as wrong. My christian friends just because the world has become twisted does not mean you have to be like the world. Just because they call right wrong and wrong right does not mean you have to agree. Resolve to live with the strength, the boldness, the unbending steadfastness, and the purity of the saints of old. Live like Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Refuse to live your life in disobedience just because the laws have changed and they say what GOD calls wrong is now right. STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH AND OBEDIENCE TO RIGHTEOUS LIVING! The eyes of the LORD search the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely His. You be that one!!! And GOD will keep you, affirm you, and lift you up. Pray for those who commit these lawless acts. I remind you my Christian friends we too were once lawless, but now we can be on fire for the Lord to do good works (those things that are right in His sight, praying for the lost)! We once yielded our bodily members as servants to iniquity or lawlessness (Romans 6:19). And we were called out of the darkness into the light.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 23:48:39 +0000

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