God cannot build anything on a weak spiritual foundation... If you - TopicsExpress


God cannot build anything on a weak spiritual foundation... If you want Gods blessings, you must accept & trust His way...A strong & secure foundation that is ready is completely filled with peace from God... There is no room for insecurity or confusion...In order to have a secure and strong foundation- we must renew our spirits daily with prayer... Include God in the entire process...Often times our foundation starts off strong & secure with Gods peace but we begin placing blessings before God & the foundation falls...When the foundation falls, the blessing falls too... Stay in prayer during your entire process...The spirit of God stabilizes our faith & protects everything we touch - including every single blessing...Thats why its vital to always focus on the foundation by staying prayed up... Thats the foundation God will build ALL your desires on...How many times have you prayed for something & it appears, but then you lose it ...Often times we neglect the very foundation that holds our blessing up... Gods builds on top of His spirit only... Keep Him first...How do you know your foundation is strong & ready ? You have a peace despite any circumstance... You trust His will for your life... Whether its professional or personal - remain committed to keeping God first even after the blessing appears so the foundation remains...Any hint of insecurity, confusion, anger or sadness indicates that you are focused on the wrong thing... Go back to the foundation...God...We often make our blessings idols and God will save us by allowing us to lose it- God cannot build anything on top of nothing...The foundation is so important... For makeup, homes & most importantly - building your life 🙏
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:00:26 +0000

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