God (‘elohiym) blessed and adored (barak - knelt down and - TopicsExpress


God (‘elohiym) blessed and adored (barak - knelt down and lowered Himself to greet and extol) the seventh (shabiy’iy - seven; from shaba’, meaning solemn promise and oath, and shaber meaning to interpret and explain the meaning or significance of a communication) day, setting it apart (qodesh - separating and purifying it) because (kiy - surely and indeed) in that day He rested and reflected (shabat - ceased and contemplated) on account of (min) all (kol) the divine endeavors (mala’kah) which by way of relationship (‘asher) He had created (bara’ - had caused to exist), prepared, and produced (‘asah - fashioned and accomplished).” (Genesis 2:3) God blessed and adored the seventh day, setting it apart because in that day He rested and reflected on account of all the divine endeavors which by way of relationship He had created , prepared, and produced.” (Genesis 2:3) Hosea/Howsha 4:6 was written for you. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ; because you have rejected understanding I will also reject you, so you shall not be My ministers. Seeing that you have become oblivious of the Torah of your God, I will also forget your children.” Ignorance isn’t bliss; it is the path to perishing. Those who justify aren’t justified. “I just didn’t know” isn’t an excuse. Nor is: “Everybody else was doing it.” The truth is available. All you have to do is shabat: stop what you are doing and reflect on what God had to say. “Remember and recall that the Sabbath day is set apart. Six days you shall work and do all your service of representing the Messenger and proclaiming the message .” ( Shemowth /Exodus 20:8-9) “The seventh day, the Sabbath of Yahowah (YHWH) your God (‘elohiym), you shall not do any part of the work of God’s Representative and Messenger, not your son, not your daughter, not your servants and employees, not your means of production, nor those visitors in your home or property .” (Shemowth /Names /Exodus 20:10) That was unambiguous and authoritative. So what do you suppose the motivation was for the imperial edict Constantine’s historian, Eusebius, recorded in 321 CE? “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord’s Day.” The founder of Roman Catholicism called Sunday “Sol Invictus Mithras”—“The day of the Unconquerable Sun, Mithras.” Under penalty of death he decreed that all within his empire must cease work on Sun-Day to honor the sun god. You shall keep the Sabbath day set apart (qodesh - separating it) as Yahowah your God clearly prescribed.” ( Dabarym / Deuteronomy 5:12) The Lords Day is Satans day. The name of the sun god worshiped by the Phoenicians and Babylonians, Baal, means Lord. For example, the Babylonians observed the Baal Beriyth, known as the Lords Covenant. Lord/Baal and his alias Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris, and Bacchus, were prototypes and forerunners of Mithras. Halal ben Shachar, the pretend sungod, wanted to lord over men - possessing an attitude and ambition he shared with the Catholic clergy. Tying it all together, Baal was worshiped in the likeness of a bull, a golden calf with a circular sun disk between his horns. And that leads us right back to Easter Sunday, the day the sun crosses the equator at the vernal equinox. Each year when that happens the sun is in the constellation of Taurus - the bull.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:46:58 +0000

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