God in His infinite mercy has made all things well by allowing us - TopicsExpress


God in His infinite mercy has made all things well by allowing us to see the light of this day. Do you know that God called you to Himself and equipped you with His Spirit so that He could work mightily through you? God has a purpose for creating each and everyone of us. He places us where He wants to use us or where He wants us to manifest Him: For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestations of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). In todays scripture, God placed Daniel in the kings palace to manifest His power and glory, thereby making the king to know that there is God in Israel. Shadrach, meshach and Abednego also made a difference when they refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzars golden image (Daniel 3:1-30). Making a diference entails standing your ground in obedience to God. In jeremiah 35, God wanted to show Prophet Jeremiah the obedience of the Rechabites and how they made a diference to their world. They were told by their fore-fathers not to take wine and Prophet Jeremiah was Kind of forcing them, but they stood their ground never to disobey their fore-fathers Are you making any difference in your place of work? In your family? In your business? Know very well that God allowed that condition in your life in order to use you later to manifest Himself. Do not be dismayed or be angry with God, if He did not fail all these people mentioned above, He will not disappoint or fail you when you are set to make a difference. All He wants from you is to make a difference. May people around you see the image of God in you. Do not be a disappointment to God and His Kingdom.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:40:42 +0000

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