God & prayer I attended church regular from an infant up to my - TopicsExpress


God & prayer I attended church regular from an infant up to my early 20s. My grandparents gave me my own personal bible as a teenager when i was baptized. I read most of it, if not all, but cant even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday. I 100% believe in the higher being and spirit, Jesus, god, etc. I have my own conclusion and never get a straight answer from the scholars of word of god. Some of this misperception may be from a child and growing and believing god can physical intervene or prevent any tragedies and when something goes right its because of him. My conclusion: God will not prevent or intervene in any accident, war, crisis, tragedy, or misfortune. He just lets all things happen as is. He provides the inner EMOTIONAL & PHYSICAL strength to weather or overcome each obstacle and resist/conquer evil ways and influences. Whether its between you and him one on one or its God being the common denominator of the rally of support. So when one prays, It should be in appreciation of the past strengths and needed future strengths to overcome the tough times/challenge/tragedies and conquer/resist evil influences. The bible is the Manuel of guidance, inspiration of strength including the word of god and Jesus. I have always struggle with following anyone besides my mother and father. Im always turned off by a sales pitch or cult atmosphere. So I find myself many times searching behind the scenes and over analyzing the true purpose and cause of any quest or mission. I have turn to god many times in my life for his strength and he has not let me down, I just want to know if Im tracking right in my thoughts! Am I way off on thinking this way??!?? Due to recent years of tragedies, cancer, etc affecting many I know, I just wanted to ponder out loud this morning. Sorry if I offend anyone. =)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:48:41 +0000

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