Gods Morning Yesterday afternoon I experienced another Vacation - TopicsExpress


Gods Morning Yesterday afternoon I experienced another Vacation Bible School program and as always it was awesome. It may have been only 15-20 minutes long but it was the best 15-20 minutes of my day. To see and feel the excitement the of all children was amazing. They were so excited to share their songs and what they had learned all week to their parents and grandparents brought tears to my eyes. They sung their songs at the top of their voices with a pride only children can have. After the official program was over one of the teenage leaders gather all the little children together into a huddle much like you do before a game. They all shouted one, two, three JESUS. Awesome what a sight to see. Team Jesus, we are all worshiping Jesus. Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Why do we as children of God hinder ourselves by thinking we can only act a certain way when attend our weekly service? Why can we not shout out our love for Jesus as we sing our songs? Now do not take me wrong what we do at service is fine, my point is this why do we as people, older people find it hard to share as openly and as honestly as 6 year old? So my friends let us not hinder ourselves, let us worship to our hearts desire. Let not hinder our feelings to one another. Let us love each other as we have been taught by Jesus. Let us not hinder ourselves in the way we share our gifts and talents which we have received from the Father. Mostly let us not hinder ourselves from developing a true and deep relationship with Jesus Christ. For this I pray. Amen Gods Peace and Love Always Joe
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:32:44 +0000

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