Gods Story For My Life A Different Viewpoint Read 1 Samuel - TopicsExpress


Gods Story For My Life A Different Viewpoint Read 1 Samuel 17:12-31 So David left the sheep with another shepherd and set out early the next morning with the gifts, as Jesse had directed him. He arrived at the camp just as the Israelite army was leaving for the battlefield with shouts and battle cries. Soon the Israelite and Philistine forces stood facing each other, army against army. David left his things with the keeper of supplies and hurried out to the ranks to greet his brothers. As he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, came out from the Philistine ranks. Then David heard him shout his usual taunt to the army of Israel. As soon as the Israelite army saw him, they began to run away in fright. “Have you seen the giant?” the men asked. “He comes out each day to defy Israel. The king has offered a huge reward to anyone who kills him. He will give that man one of his daughters for a wife, and the man’s entire family will be exempted from paying taxes!” David asked the soldiers standing nearby, “What will a man get for killing this Philistine and ending his defiance of Israel? Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:20-26) Reflect An army often avoided the high cost of battle by pitting its strongest warrior against the strongest warrior of the enemy. This avoided great bloodshed because the winner of the fight was considered the winner of the battle. Goliath had a definite advantage against David from a human standpoint. But Goliath didn’t realize that in fighting David, he also had to fight God. What a difference perspective can make. Most of the onlookers saw only a giant. David, however, saw a mortal man defying almighty God. He knew he would not be alone when he faced Goliath; God would fight with him. He looked at his situation from God’s point of view. That’s why criticism didn’t stop David. While the rest of the army stood around, he knew the importance of taking action. With God to fight for him, there was no reason to wait. Respond Viewing impossible situations from God’s point of view helps us put giant problems in perspective. Once we see clearly, we can fight more effectively. Others may try to discourage you with negative comments or mockery. Prayerfully continue to do what you know is right. By doing what is right, you will be pleasing God, whose opinion matters most.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:06:47 +0000

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