Gods always wanting his children healed and in reationships of - TopicsExpress


Gods always wanting his children healed and in reationships of Commitment and God said many are so hurt to commit they throw them selves in work ministry and hobbies to run from the truth ! Gods saying time to be healed for many Men and women ! Its not a great topic to pray for as msny now its deep its back off but its eating many away says their not worthy of trying so let me bury my self in work and ignore that i have a feeling of life ! Thats sad to hear that and its not the truth when you hear Gods voice do you ignore him when he says :I love you or do you stop and let him in to tell you about your thoughts your pain you hid the lies that you believed about your self and you put a such a big wall that says dont Enter in God ! God is greater than you thoughts hes thoughts are higher than your ways and hes ways are greater than yours ! Dont be like the seed of Adam hid behind the tree and thought i can hid behind here God wont see me here ! Men also have being wounded but amazingly Gods a Father that restores and binds up the wounds you carried from losing your wife or your beloved !Women also need to know commiting to a men again is big for many and after being hurt as we spoke on letting go of shame guilt control and re learning to trust God totally in your life and making God your center.of your life for God loves you so much he wants first place and knowing you cant be released from all burdens . God said cast all your cares on me for I careth for you ! I prayed for a couple that was committing and not it when on.off on til we prayed and said somethings theres issues in the mans life he needs to acknowledge things he lost are gone but healing comes he lost a wife and as we prayed for him God revealed that his wife would be pleased if he would be happy and in God the wounds would be healed they were Amen He realised he didnt wont to on his own and started to be honest and was in and out of the cave as Elijah did !! Men when you find a good women you find a good wife !bibical ..Ask God to break down the walls of isolation and walls of deciet and sit with the Father men can cry king David did and God said Hes heart was after Gods own heart ! Says alot about being strong and humble before your God ! Commitment is a big word its enteral like Christ is committed to us and in this world we have no many committments that fall because of unhealed hearts ! The past has to be dealt with its no good going into a realionship if you dont wont to change and give your all to God ! Gods said right through the bible Isaiah 54 Jererimah 29v11 Gods got plans . Forgive the women that might of wounded you and ask God to forgive your self for putting walls up and getting into hard stubborness towards another realionship.and allow God to take it and break it down and let God fill you cleanse you as Gods man see his muscline image return to you in side as you let the pain go ! God is right with you and any strongholds of fear anixety we break that of in Jesus name. Dont wear masks to hid God knew where Adam.was he just wanted Adam to repent but he chose to blame instead . Let God show you that new path by finding your self again things changed for this man he started to trust God and he started to smile and worked around things Joy came in and he knew he was set free and being Committed he saw Gods love that God had for him to be blessed . Women that have had experiences remember Isaiah 54 God heals and restores committment to another man is change ! Forgive the Man thats left dont be degraded but excepted as you draw closer to God and have him centered in him like Leah in the Bible did God heard her cry ! And seek Gods love in you surrounded in him . Release the pain and rejection to God . And see God excepting you ! as i prayed God showed him saying your my princess and Men will be drawn but then he showed me a Furious Lion jump up and said I chose you comes near you ! God protects his daughters so dont be afraid of Commitment if its from God. Dont control men its ugly yes some women need to be firm to get them out of this mess they get into And women a pretty good at that ! But what Gods saying is dont allow the past to hold you change where contol was if he wants to go out to mens ministry let him do what Gods designed him to be . Two people are two single people becoming one .when a man does Gods work praise him and dont feel hes left his investing in his realionship Gods word enriches a mans heart and as John piper said Men encourge the women of your life to be able to attend womens meetings that bring balance . I spoke to a girl i prayed for she said do you remember you prayed three months ago that i would be meeting some one ? I couldnt remember as its amazing the days become she said that guy came and a church man and have being growing since ! We need to read together and grow into what God wants . Yes theres fun and amazing times of friendship growing to gether but Gods given All ages the book of proverbs full of Wisdom and restoring disipline but at the same time God says to Israel i have not abandoned you but keep you on the palms pf my hands see Israel repented God said now your crops will be plenty and the ground will be fertile and fields will be well watered your cattle will.be numerous and you will prosper as the days of old . God heals . Know friendship is a great start but dont allow fear to grip your future seek God voice dont think Gods finished with you hes only starting ! Do finish the work he already started and will continue to til work with in is completed to the Lord comes in that time Let God touch your heart heal for for is Glory and purpose in your life dont hid let God return your to your first Love Jesus christ through him life is birthed . Gods healing single people too ! Gods amazing how quick prayers are answered whn your doing the fathers work . Your redeemer lives !! Its your song ! I pray through obedience this helps many to understand dont hid from.God your heart . Gods got big plans to prosper you when you in the open and free he cant paint you the stars thats for people who are coming back together also Gods healing Godly emotions to Godly people and so this world will see what a great God we serve ! Isaiah 63v7 Isaiah 61 Trust big in.God he shall give you your hearts desire ..seek the kingdom .
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:48:03 +0000

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