God’s Path God has a specific path, which only YOU can walk, - TopicsExpress


God’s Path God has a specific path, which only YOU can walk, take that first step, and never leave His Path! When God created YOU, He also created a specific, dynamic path, He intended YOU to walk. Granted, until YOU accept God’s Amazing Saving Grace, His Free Gift of Salvation, by accepting The Lord Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior, YOU cannot find His Path. YOU may live your entire Life, never finding His Path, unfortunately. YOU may find His Path, when you’re young, or perhaps when you’re older. Once YOU take that first step, accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, His Path is opened and your Life will never be the same. God does not guarantee, that it will be a smooth or easy path to walk, because it will not be. I want to make this point clear. YOU will have “hills and valleys”, YOU will have “tragedies and triumphs”, and these simply must be. Even The Lord Jesus Christ, did not have a smooth or easy Life, think of how His Mortal Life ended. So, if God would not give His Only Son, an easy Life, why would He give YOU one? Why is God called, “Our Father”, because He is Our Father, but also, He will treat Us, like Our Father. He will guide YOU, He will teach YOU, He will discipline YOU, and He will also Love YOU, unconditionally. When YOU walk away from His Path, when YOU make Life mistakes, He will shake His Head, and say “I warned YOU”, or “I told YOU, not to do that”. Yes, YOU will be Lovingly Disciplined, but it’s something YOU knew was coming and truthfully expected. God molds and changes YOU, by the Life Choices YOU make, the trials, tragedies, and triumphs, have a specific purpose. To change YOU to be more like Him, and less like the rest of Us. God, like all fathers, wants YOU to live up to your potential, to be the best YOU can be, to use the Spiritual Gifts, He has given YOU. Unlike earthly fathers though, God Almighty, does not desire for YOU to live up to your humanly potential, He want YOU to live up to your Spiritual Potential. God has Good Works (works that cannot be done, unless YOU accept His Free Gift of Salvation) for YOU to perform, and if YOU don’t perform them, no one will! As a Believer, YOU are to be God’s Son, Jesus Christ’s Light, upon the World! YOU are to lead by Spiritual Example, meaning to share The Gospel, but also to Love one another, to spread God’s Love, with the World. In order to do this, there are things to aide YOU, along the way. Reading God’s Word, The Holy Bible, daily, is one way that God Speaks to YOU, and I’m not talking about the words YOU read, but what God tells YOU, in your heart. Fellowship with other Christians, helps YOU to learn more about God and His Plans for them and for YOU. Daily prayer, daily communing with God, one on one, is another way, which God Almighty speaks to YOU. Coming to the realization, that when YOU accepted The Lord Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior, He came to live within YOU, through The Holy Spirit. Meaning Jesus Christ is with YOU, always. Think of it this way, when YOU step away from God’s Path, darkness falls upon YOU, but when YOU return to His Path, His Loving Light shines brightly upon YOU! Walking His Path, what does this entail, YOU ask? Sharing how He has changed your Life, performing the Goods Works YOU were created for, Loving one another, Loving even your enemies, entertaining strangers, and sharing about His Free Gift of Salvation, and so much more. So remember, God has a specific path, which only YOU can walk, take that first step, and never leave His Path! ©Stan Arney
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:14:12 +0000

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