Going South Head the lost brethren tramplers of - TopicsExpress


Going South Head the lost brethren tramplers of cloth Followers of men looking not to the north Going South Of Heaven El Uno Note Was led to the following teaching on the subject By T.M. Moore known as a poet and more...Keep in mind also the importance of the word cloth reference Matthew 27:59 And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth Remain Encouraged Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and seated on the cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand. - Revelation 14:14 Generations of mariners have understood the importance of always knowing the location of the North Star. As the only fixed point in the night sky, the North Star is a constant companion and sure reference for setting one’s course. The Word of God provides its own North Star for those engaged in the work of Biblical worldview: Christ enthroned at the Father’s right hand. Because the study of Biblical worldview is complex – involving everything from the nurture of the soul to the recovery of cultural forms and social institutions – worldview students need an unchanging reference point to keep their labors on a common course. The vision of Christ enthroned provides that spiritual North Star. It is in the books of Revelation and Psalms that we encounter a compelling vision of the reign of Christ. As the writer of Hebrews reminds us (11:1), faith depends on a constant sense of “unseen things.” Therefore, we would do well to consider the various references found in these two books and assemble them into a comprehensive image. Thus, we hope to develop a deeper faith, a firmer conviction, and a more consistent practice in the work of Biblical worldview. CHRIST ENTHRONED IN REVELATION In Revelation, several passages teach us to associate Christ with might and rule. The book begins with John’s vision of the Ancient of Days, the glorified Lord, who dwells in the midst of His churches, guides their leaders by His right hand, and speaks the Word of God like a sword of truth (Revelation 1:10-20). He is glorious and regal, pure and strong, and holds the keys of death and Hell. He lives forever and instructs His churches on how to prepare for life in the latter days before His return. John, fearful and trembling, falls down before this vision of the glorified Christ, but he is lifted up and reassured in the Savior’s love. In Revelation 4 and 5, that vision is transferred to the heavenly courts of the divine King, where Christ rules the affairs of men in the presence of His Father. Powerful angels wait to do His bidding. The Holy Spirit of God communicates the plans of Heaven to the people of the earth. The believers who have preceded us to Heaven worship the Lord with glorious song. All creation declares His glory as He unpacks His perfect will on earth via symbols of seals, trumpets, and bowls. No one can resist what He has ordained. In chapter 14, we find the Lord poised to harvest the earth. None shall escape His final reckoning. All will be called to account for their works: those written in His book of life will be harvested to eternal bliss, while those who opposed His rule will find Hell unlocked for their entrance. These images in Revelation speak of the power and majesty of the Lord Jesus’ rule. They also show us the necessity of bringing all life on earth into conformity with His eternal plan. We are called to a serious reflection of how our works conform to Christ’s will—we must renew our resolve to obey Him, no matter the cost. CHRIST ENTHRONED IN THE PSALMS The book of Psalms presents a similar, but enhanced image of Christ. In Psalm 2, we find the exalted Savior ruling from the midst of His Church. He sends his people out to declare His Kingdom and call the nations to submit to His rule. Psalm 45 describes the beauty of His heavenly court – its sweet fragrance, angelic music, and lavish adornments. Christ gathers his Bride, and rules unto righteousness as He wields His scepter against His enemies. Psalm 47 depicts the chosen ones, assembled from every nation, before the throne of the Lord. They submit their strength to Him and acknowledge His glorious rule. In Psalm 110, Christ is subduing His enemies and sending out His servants, in the power of the Spirit, to further His rule among the nations of the earth. Psalm 104 shows Him clothed in brilliant light, ruling over all creation, and receiving the worship of His people, even as He warns the wicked of coming judgment. Christ enthroned, as depicted in the psalms, is a majestic picture of His rule. Every aspect of creation finds its defining purpose in His sovereign plan. His people submit their strength to Him and devote themselves to faithful worship, service, and witness in His name. The word to the nations is that Christ sits as King over the world, executing His good and perfect will and calling the wicked to repentance. SEEKING THINGS ABOVE In Colossians 3:1,2 the Apostle Paul calls believers to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Considering the implications of this verse (God is Judge), we would do well to heed the apostle’s advice. Initially, we must consider what it means to “seek the things that are above.” Three disciplines come to mind. First, we must nurture a clear and compelling vision of Christ enthroned. This we can accomplish in a number of ways. We should begin by memorizing and meditating on the texts of Scripture that picture the Lord in his heavenly reign. Singing songs about Christ enthroned also helps us to plant a heavenly vision in our hearts and minds. Scripture demands that we take these practices seriously—they are not mere theological fancies. The verses found in Revelation and Psalms represent a current reality, not just a future event: Christ is ruler today. Focusing on this fact will help us put our mundane activities into perspective: in all we do, we are either furthering the rule of Christ or resisting it, if only by neglect. The more clearly and constantly we can keep this vision in mind, the greater the likelihood that we will prosecute our affairs under its all-encompassing scope. Second, carry out your life in the awareness that you have been seated with Christ in the place of highest authority in heaven and on earth (Ephesians 2:6). Thus, you will be able to know the “immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness” and will find the orientation and power for Kingdom living day by day. If we can carry out our daily tasks amid the vision of Christ enthroned, we will be much more likely to do only those things that bring honor and glory to Him and His heavenly court. We will do our work with excellence (1 Thessalonians 4:1). We will salt our speech with the grace of God (Colossians 4:6). We will make the most of every opportunity to follow the will of God in our endeavors (Ephesians 5:15-17). We will walk in the Spirit of God (Galatians 5:16). We will capitalize on every opportunity to be witnesses for Christ (Acts 1:8). We will demonstrate hope to a desperate world (1 Peter 3:15). We will overcome the evil of this world with the goodness of our reigning Lord (Romans 12:21). We will do everything in such a way that the glory of God may be revealed, in even the most mundane tasks (1 Corinthians 10:31). In other words, if you envision yourself seated with the King of Kings at all times, everything about your daily life will take on new purpose. Third, be accountable to one another for living out the reality of Christ’s rule. The Scriptures plainly state that we need one another. Mainly, we are to stimulate one another to perform good works, specifically those that show we are the wealthy subjects of an indestructible King (Hebrews 10:24). We all need soul partners who are devoted to living in the court of our exalted King amid the daily activities of our earthly lives. We can pray for one another, help expand one another’s vision of Christ enthroned, and teach one another the protocols of the heavenly Kingdom. Along the way, we may also give counsel, receive correction, and find encouragement when life takes a distressing turn. The saints already in Heaven watch as we carry the batons that they have passed on to us (Hebrews 12:1). As we run our leg of the race, with our eyes on our exalted Christ, let us also remember these other believers lest we grow weary in the service of our heavenly King. AN UNFAILING REFERENCE Christ is enthroned in Heaven, gathering His elect, and putting all His enemies under His feet. He is subduing all creation to His perfect rule because He intends to use everything for His glory in the building up of His Church (Ephesians 1:22,23). He has given us His Word and Spirit, and made us citizens of the heavenly Kingdom. As His Body, we are called to do the will of our Sovereign on earth as it is done in heaven (Matthew 6:10). Let us nurture the vision of Christ enthroned, and join together in making every thought captive and obedient to our King (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). As we plunder the holdings of the prince of this world, we must make all things new in the name of Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:22-29; 2 Corinthians 5:17). In a time of uncertainty and postmodernism, he is our unchanging King. He is our North Star, the unfailing point of reference amid the churning sea of opposition to Biblical, worldview living. FOR REFLECTION What are you presently doing each day to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated in heavenly places”? Who is encouraging and helping you in this project? What difference might a clearer and more constant heavenly vision have on your everyday life? If you would like a copy of two psalms to sing in developing this vision, write me at the address below. I’ll send you Psalms 47 and 110, arranged to the tunes of familiar hymns, to help you nurture your heavenly vision.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:58:37 +0000

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