Going to get very serious and introspective here: I admire Robin - TopicsExpress


Going to get very serious and introspective here: I admire Robin Williams choice to check out on his own terms. I battle with depression every day, this does not mean Im suicidal now... There could be any number of things at play here... He could have been diagnosed with a terminal disease that would be a drain on family and financial resources. I would pull the plug before being in that situation.... He could have felt the comfort of having done everything he had ever wanted to in life, and decided he was done. I fully understand this. He could have been going through another troubled marriage.... Again, empathy.... When someone of his status makes this choice, the media and social networks light up for a day or two and its over... Sort of a 21st century wake. Thousands more go unnoticed. I know Id rather have the control of my demise rather than suffer through a long painful illness, withering away, and becoming a shell of my former self. I dont claim to know what his thought process was, but let us think about this: its the only part of your life completely under your own control. Im not glorifying death. But sometimes its really simple - he felt he was coming apart at the seams and didnt know how to sew - this is a line from some unpublished fiction of mine. Creative sorts are more prone to depression and the extremes that come with the roller coaster ride.... This is not a cry for help, rather a look at some tough issues. If someone is hellbent on seeking out their own demise, nothing will change this. Theres also the tired of all the bullshit, Ive fought as long as I can, my life is fubared cases... You cant tell someone with chronic depression to buck up , cheer up, its not that bad, things get better.... These are hollow words, believe me... Someone with depression doesnt want to feel this way.... Some suggest medication... My personal experience is it dulls the creative process, and thats about all I have left these days..so, I remain unmedicated... I treat myself with booze and other stuff... Most days, I can handle the swings..
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:16:23 +0000

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