Good Morning. It’s a new day! Where are you? I’m asking - TopicsExpress


Good Morning. It’s a new day! Where are you? I’m asking because where you are determines what you see, what you hear, how you feel, and possibly what you say. There are five portals to the human brain; in computer terms, you can say that they are ‘input devices’ to your mind. These are your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth; through these you see, hear, perceive smell, feel, and taste. These are all conductors, they transport external stimulus to the brain to interpret and inform the mind. Ok enough of anatomy and physiology; let’s deal with the main issue here, which is... Positioning is very essential; in fact there is an old saying, “Position determines perspective!” Knowing how important perspective is; it won’t be wrong to say perspective ‘everything’, because your perspective on any issue determines how you respond. Perspective means the way you see things. That’s why I asked where you are because where you are determines what goes in through the doors to your mind. Your position could be physical, philosophical, or historical/experiential. Your position influences what you see and how you see it. We are shaped by what we see and hear every day. That is how we are cultured! Take a baby of a year old or less from his/her ethnic parents to be brought up by other ethnic parents far from his/her native land, that baby will grow up living and behaving according to the culture within which s/he is raised. They say life is like a chameleon, it takes the colour of its environment. Who do you flock with, what do you watch, what do you read, who are your counsellors, where do you visit so often? You know very well that good signal reception on your phone has a lot to do with your position. You also know that standing on the same spot where you fail to receive good signal, someone else on another network can have a good signal. So who do you network with, how much do they know, are they educating you from their ignorance and negative mindset or the right kind of knowledge? We really need to examine ourselves today. We may individually need to change our respective unprofitable positions, and also shut the doors that bring the wrong influences into our lives; and withdraw from the ‘chat groups’ that create a negative mindset. Remember, your position determines your perspective, and your perspective influences your action or reaction. A change of position may bring you to your dreams! Go for it! It’s a good morning; have a great day!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:17:18 +0000

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