Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman, I am movie critic Joe Durante - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman, I am movie critic Joe Durante here to inform all of you what is happening at the movies. This week British actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, and Matthew Goode star in one of 2014 most acclaimed films which is called The Imitation Game. As always, Is it worth your $12.50? Let me tell you why it is. The Imitation Game is the story of mathematician Alan Turing who ended up becoming the brains behind a secret organization. He had to invent a machine to crack an unbreakable Nazi code during WWII called Enigma and in attempt for England to win the war. He establishes a crew of unlikely heros to help him build this machine and to also help him track the Nazis every single step on what they could be planning next. The main goal for this machine to crack enigma was to help England win the war. By the time The Imitation Game was over, I felt like I was coming out of the most fascinating history classes that I have ever taken. This really is another unbelievable story about WWII and since this weekend many people are going to be heading to the movies, I do say to see Unbroken but first everyone needs to see The Imitation Game. Benedict Cumberbatch gives one of his very best performances in year and surly will an Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category. Keira Knightley also deserves to have her name in the Best Actress category and also another great film with terrific cinematography. I got a feeling that it will be indeed the Best Picture winner and I give The Imitation Game my final five star rating of the year and Im Joe Durante.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:43:20 +0000

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