Good Morning to all my friends. This is another day that God has - TopicsExpress


Good Morning to all my friends. This is another day that God has given us, let us be glad and rejoice in it. My prayer for you is that God will bless each of you today and give you His peace and His comfort in all that you do. Todays Challenge---------------- Use Your Words Wisely “Words from a wise man’s mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips.” Ecclesiastes 10:12 I have always heard the saying that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That statement is not true, in fact, words may not break our bones, but they certainly can damage our spirits. I had a severe speech problem during my teen aged years and know just how bad words can hurt. Words can also uplift and encourage also, and I will always remember the words from my grandmother as I grew up, as they were always encouraging words, and words that built me up, and made me think that I could do anything, and accomplish anything in my life. I know what her words meant to me, and how they helped me develop my self esteem and self worth. I have always thought as I have raised my own family, if I was doing the same thing for them as my grandmother did for me, and build them up to think they could do anything and be anything they wanted to be. My grandmother was so skillful in making people think they were special, and everyone who knew her liked to be around her, as she made everyone feel good about themselves. This was her gift from God, and she used it to the fullest extent possible. Positive words from someone wise and respected, will stay with us forever, but negative words, used without love, may be more harmful than any physical hurt. We can recover from a physical hurt, but we will always remember the hurtful words spoken to us, as they will be engraved in our minds. The Bible is full of encouraging, wonderful words of promise to each of us. My desire is that the words spoken out of my mouth are words of encouragement and inspiration to others. What comes from our mouth, originates in our heart. Is your heart right? My Daily Devotional Volume Six May 19 Robert William Brock, Jr. This is one of the 365 devotionals from my book. It is published by Amazon and is available at Amazon under the book section.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:59:46 +0000

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