Good Vibrations Happy, successful people vibrate at a higher - TopicsExpress


Good Vibrations Happy, successful people vibrate at a higher level than sad people. What does this mean and why is it a good thing? Albert Einstein was recognized as a genius and is known by his famous equation: E= mc2. The equation means that energy and matter is the same thing; in effect, everything is energy. The earth and universe are energy and people are energy. Energy is recognizable because it vibrates at various frequencies. A person’s energy vibrates at different levels based on what the person experiences. For example, if a person is happy, the vibration is higher; if sad, lower. Because our happiness or sadness is determined by how we think, our thoughts control the frequency of our vibrational energy. Why is this important? Controlling our vibrational energy is important to attracting the people who vibrate at the same frequency as we do. What do I mean? Have you been in a group of people and been attracted to someone speaking who is happy, positive, friendly, and confident and appears successful? If we are aspiring to be that type of person, we are naturally drawn to those type people. Conversely, have you been repulsed by someone who habitually complains of poor health and is negative and bitter about life? Unless we are seeking that type of person, we usually try to avoid these people. Ask yourself, what level is my vibrational frequency? What kind of people do I attract? If you choose to attract more of the higher frequency people into your life, you can do so by increasing the frequency of the energy that you project toward others. Then people will be drawn toward you and will listen to what you have to say. When you increase your vibrational level, you will become more positive and less negative – happier and less sad – and more successful and less worried about failing. Your entire life will improve! How do you measure improvement? On a vibrational frequency scale of zero to infinity, zero is death and anything higher is life. The higher the frequency, the better. A one or two would probably be very sick; at death’s door. Moving up the scale, we go on toward healthy, wealthy, and wise. That is not just a trite saying because it exemplifies Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Simply stated, our needs evolve upward from the lowest level, Physiological (food, water, sleep), to Safety (security, money, place to live), to Love (friends and family), to Esteem (achievement, confidence, respect), to the highest, Self-Actualization (creativity, morality, spirituality). The needs are in order of what we need at the time we are placed in life. For example, our ancestors were not so concerned about achievement (Esteem) when they were running for their lives from a saber-toothed tiger (Safety). Most people who are in business for themselves have met the physiological needs and are transitioning between various aspects of the safety and esteem needs. To move up the scale to the esteem needs, we need to maintain a level of control over our thoughts that is sufficient to reach the associated vibrational level. If we choose to call this plateau “success,” then we can create success by choosing a higher vibrational mindset. Makes sense, you say, but can I do this? The good news is yes, yes, and yes! This has been proven scientifically. The bad news is that it will take a bit of work. But along with that bad news is more good news – you can create a way of life that positively impacts all areas of your life, all along the hierarchy of needs! A course titled The Invisible Truth provides a means to create the life you choose to have. I refer to it because I have taken the course and found it to deliver everything it says it can – and more! While the following description paraphrases parts of what the course does, I can say that it has improved my life so much that I once again feel optimistic about my future! I appreciate that the course’s keystones are based on things that are true, honest, just, pure, beautiful, and praiseworthy. It helps me stay on a healthy life path. Also, it has enabled me to start an incredible journey on the path to success. I have become passionate about healthy eating and taking care of myself, becoming financially secure, and reclaiming more time to do what I choose. But before The Invisible Truth program, I did not possess the mental tools needed to inspire me into action. Now, I begin each day with a new zest for life and a desire to bring value to other people who wish to reach greater heights! The Invisible Truth explains that your conscious mind contains the beliefs that your subconscious mind uses to create both your inner and outer worlds. For example, imagine having two hoses that represent your conscious mind, which is the part of your mind that you control. Through one hose flows pristine water (positive energy), through the other flows dirty water (negative energy). Further imagine that the water flows into a five gallon bucket, which represents your subconscious mind, the part of your mind you do not control. The outside of the bucket represents your inner and outer world (your life and how you view it). The type of water that flows into the bucket is chosen by you. When you cause the pristine water to flow, your bucket fills with good things and the bucket overflows with good things into your life – your energy vibrates at a higher level. When you cause the dirty water to flow, your bucket fills with bad things and the bucket overflows with bad things into your life – your energy vibrates at a lower level. The subconscious works on autopilot and will give you the result of that energy with which you fill your bucket. Because the two hoses represent your conscious mind, something that you do control, you choose what comes into your life. So be careful which hose you put into your bucket. Look at your life. How does the water in your bucket look, pristine or dirty? The Invisible Truth course is an eight CD set that contains all of the information that you need to create the life you choose to have. With your higher vibrational level, you will be empowered to act confidently in finances, nutrition, weight release, and all other areas of your life. For more information on the Invisible Truth, go to invisibletruth/products-services/invisible-truth/?id=derald. (Sorry if this sounds like an ad, but I highly recommend it as it has worked for me.) Remember, you can alter your energy vibration at any time. Stop experiencing failure and illness; begin to experience success and take charge to design great health now! Decide you are going to retrain your brain by filling your bucket with positive thoughts (pristine water). Each time you do so, you choose to raise your energy vibration. Keep doing this and nothing can prevent you from reaching your goals! Seek nothing but good vibrations!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 02:32:47 +0000

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