Good afternoon everyone. I just like to share some thoughts and - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon everyone. I just like to share some thoughts and tips on the firearm license renewal experience I had today at camp crame. 1. I entered the FEO main door at 11:27am. I exited (for the last time) at 3:41pm. 2. The licensing area is jampacked with people and seats are not enough. The air conditioning was/were not working either. Truly depressing. 3. There were no signs inside indicating what are the steps to be taken. I had to ask the helpdesk lady a few times. 4. The xerox guy is outside the building and there were lots of people using his service. 5. The firearm bond area is also outside the building. Good luck on sweltering heat. 6. One processing window, forgot the exact transaction name, where you get to see how much you will pay - takes hours to return your documents and the payment assessment. There was no queuing system or numbering system. No one knows if someone is placing his docs on top or in the bottom (as should be). 7. Much worse, her microphone is not working. She had to scream your name through the window. If you dont hear her, she will process another, for around 10-15minutes. 8. She had her lunch and ironically there was a big sign inside saying no lunch. Wonder why she doesnt have a reliever.... And why is she the only processor doing that when there were a lot of other processors doing nothing. 9. Werfast is fast. They processed their end quite speedier than the other FEO transactions. Yes, expensive as well. No, you cannot opt to pick your license up instead in FEO. 10. There were a lot of documents and a lot of photocopying involved. Wonder why they need all of them in this day and age of computers. Some tips : A. Bring an envelope. If you have one of those with compartments, better. B. Bring towel or panyo. The perspiration will be lots. C. Download the license form from the FEO website and fill it out beforehand. If you cannot do this, get it from the express lane window near werfast. D. Get the form notarized upstairs, 2nd floor. When you get up from the stairs, turn left. E. Pay the bond outside the building and while youre outside already, photocopy your application form and your current firearm license. Youll need it later for werfast. Stapler also your pics to the app form when youre in the bond area. F. Go to the assessment window and submit the app form. Wait for your name to be called. NOW this is the looooong wait.... Hours literally. G. Pay at landbank counter beside werfast. H. Pay for the ID card. I. Pay for delivery at werfast counter. J. Go to the camera window to get your photo taken. Now, its important for you to have a comb at this point since youll probably be looking like Incredible Hulk after all the heat and the waiting. Thats all folks!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:14:50 +0000

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