Good evening! As I said a few days ago I had an interview with Mr. - TopicsExpress


Good evening! As I said a few days ago I had an interview with Mr. Sebastian Dawson, so here it is and dont foget to leave me comments for my hard work ;) 1.Good evening Mr. Rich and Famous, you probably know me but oh well... My name is Razzi and Im a pro Paparazzi and reporter. Sebastian- Good evening, Ms Marzi, firstly thank you for having me this evening and of course I know you after that private visit you sneak into Sebastian- I hope there won’t be a next time because you will have to face some consequences* says jokingly then sits down like a gentleman and listens carefully* So shall we start? * Smiles friendly* 2.I cant promise you anything. Everyone loves and is interested in your relationship Sebastian - Hmmm, thats quite interesting, my guess goes to the fact that I have the most perfect woman in the world 3.Very smooth Mr. anyways lets start. And please do try to answer all my questions Whats your full name? Sebastian- Ill make every bullet count, but it doesnt mean that I wont lose any counts on the way. My full name is Sebastian Dawson 4.Tell me where and when you were born? Sebastian- I was born on the 21st of October 1986 in Italy, my mother is American and my father is 100% Italian so I’m a mixture of both. You see my father is very strict and a proud Italian so his biggest desire was for me to be born in Italy, my mother fully agreed to that. 5.Tell more about yourself, what do you do for a living? Sebastian- From a very young age I knew I was born to be someone of importance, I dreamed big. I was raised in warm, loving environment by both of my parents. My father was a huge inspiration in my life; he used to run multiple businesses and taught me many things along the way. Business always ran in our family, in our blood, it was my father’s passion and so is mine. Now I am the owner of the world’s five most known companies. Made deals worth millions only in a few years with thousands of customers all around the world. 6.What do you like to do on your free time? Sebastian- Mostly I concentrate to spend it with the one I love and that’s my beloved Beatrice. We spend our free time always differently; I am a very adventurous man, I never stick to one hobby. I used to do a lot of things for example: carting, surfing, basketball, tennis, rock climbing but boxing was my most favorite. I won many trophies and I was very close to champion level. And that’s about it. 7.Wow, I wish my life was as boring as yours *giggles* Sebastian- *chuckles * Well not everyone has this kind of luxury 8.That is true, since Ive her you are a billionaire. How does that feel like? Sebastian- It’s true that I have money, quite a bit of it but for me it’s nothing of big importance. Money changes greedy people, I don’t see myself as one, it was never of importance to me because as the saying goes “Money can’t buy happiness” I truly believe in that, there are times when you have all the money in the world but you still can’t get that one thing you want the most. Rather than money I’m more interested in knowledge. I have a saying of my own: The smarter the richer ;) With or without money I’m still the same person, Sebastian Dawson. 9.Before we started this intreview, I mentioned to you about people being intersted in your relationship with Miss Leigh. Would you mind telling me how you two met? Sebastian- It would be my pleasure to reminiscence about that wonderful night me and Beatrice met, it will be like reliving that sweet moment all over again. It was at Miss Dovile Marshall’s VIP premiere, and by the way I will be starring in her new series called “The Shades of Silence”. As I was walking on the red carpet my vision suddenly started to fade away as I saw the most beautiful woman standing there, wearing a light blue dress. She immediately caught my attention and I can’t take my eyes of off her ever since then ;). I didn’t believe in love at first sight but after that night I learned it’s not just a myth *chuckles*. As I couldn’t hold back myself anymore I walked up and introduced myself to this lovely lady who now appears to be the love of my life. We talked a lot throughout the Premiere and after that…I’ll just keep it private. 10. After that…? You mean the action in the black Rolls Roys? Sebastian- Pardon? 11. I heard you dont like to talk too much about your private life but tell me how long was your longest relationship? Sebastian- True, I’m not a fan of sharing my private life with the public, I believe in intimacy and I like to keep it to myself since it’s for me and my loved ones to know but I could give out a little information but I can’t promise I will be too open with answering these questions. My longest relationship lasted for three years, I thought it was real love at that time but the truth is it can’t even compare to the feelings I have for my precious Beatrice. Other than that I was young so I enjoyed “exploring” everything. My father is very strict and it’s extremely hard to please him, hard to fit his taste. He wasn’t pleased with my choice of partner and now that I think about it I’m thankful she showed me what to look for in a woman. 12. Miss Beatrice is pretty known from her crazy marriage with one of the most popular actors of our time Rihan Leigh. She also had two kids with him, a few ex-ss and so on. Do you think youre strict father would accept her? If he told you he wouldnt would you leave her just to please him? Sebastian- Everyone seeks for diamonds but they miss it because often choose to give up rather than continue looking. There are my father’s words, he might be strict but he knows me very well. I’m a grown up man full of responsibilities, able to make decisions about how I wish my life to go. I’m more than happy to have Beatrice in my life and I’m not planning on changing that. I know about her past and I accept her with all of her mistakes, I live for the present, forget about the past and hope for the future. My father might be quite surprised at first but as soon as he will actually meet her rather than just hear rumors about her he will change his mind. And who knows my father best if not me his own son? 13. Thats very wonderful, I almost shed a tear…. How jealous are you Mr. Dawson? Sebastian- *chuckles* Well, it depends.. I will just keep this information to myself ;) 14. Do you have children? Sebastian-I do, me and my beloved Beatrices son Cairo. 15. He is your son with Beatrice? :O You never introduced him officially. People thought he was just your son with someone else. Sebastian- As I mentioned before, Im very closed when it comes to my private life and when the time is right, he will be introduced properly, now he is living his life not as a celebrity but as a child enjoying his childhood. 16. What are you most afraid of? Sebastian- Hmm, thats a tricky question. I’m scared of losing a loved one. It’s the most painful thing anyone could go through. Not having the person I love in my life would be like hell on earth. It would take my mind into a darkness I could never escape from…that’s what I’m afraid of…. 17. Would you be willing to give up on your fortune just to have true love in exchange? Sebastian- As money never brought me the kind of happiness I was hopping when I was young, I would. All my money is for my love and my children so they can live a great life, but of course with a lesson not to be selfish and greedy. So definitely I would exchange it. 18. Where have you been all of my life?! :O Sebastian- Your life? * corrects you* 19. Yes but on the serious note, if you could ask the person you love any question what would it be? Sebastian- * thinks deeply* Its not about what you ask because usually its only words but it depends on the action and your specific manners if you meant it. But as we started I should of course give a specific answer towards it. I would ask her what the word ‘‘love’’ means for her. Just to see her point of view about it. It might be a simple question, but its all Im looking for. Many people might ask about their past but I wouldnt want to ask her the thing that might sadden her , because past is left where it had to be and we need to enjoy this moment, not looking back at the past and not looking forwards to the future because no one can tell what may happen next 20. Maybe you should ask her and find that answer ;) Tell me your worst habit and biggest weakness. Sebastian- I might someday ;) Hmmm….I’m not really sure….I think people who know me the best could answer this, I’m too busy to noticed things about myself. I think my employees could write a book about it though. My biggest weakness is my honesty, even though I don’t mean it I hurt people with it most of the time. 21. What is love for you? Sebastian- Love is an indescribable feeling which can only be felt towards that special someone you belong with, and I do believe that love comes only once in your life, what I meant by that is if you had a few partners in your life, and theres always that so called love but at the end you will have that one and only that you will never forget, even after 50 years or even more. No matter if youre married to that person or not. Theres always this special person who you think about sometimes and tell to yourself I will never forget her . That crazy feeling that seems like hunting you and bringing your mind to think about the craziest things which even the fearless daredevils wouldnt allow persuading themself on doing on what you could do to the person you feel the love for. On this note, I can surely say with full honesty that this is the love I feel for Bea. She is the only woman who made me feel this way and now I understand what those little messages mean after such a long search. To be honest I am quite surprised, I was expecting to talk to a snob but I found myself talking to an amazing man. I would like to thank you for accepting this and allowing me to have this interview. It was a real pleasure Mr. Dawson. Sebastian- The pleasure was all mine, Im very glad you took your time to listen to my life story which I was very pleased to share with you Ms.Marzi *friendly smile*. Oh and please call me Sebastian So...when are you going to pop the big question, Sebastian? Sebastian- If I tell you, it will ruin the surprise That means you are planning to? That lucky woman ;) Sebastian- My lips are sealed *smiles* With that Mr. Dawson left my office. Thank you gossip loving people of Facebook for reading this ;) Don’t forget to smile to the camera :*
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:11:49 +0000

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