Good evening extended Gale Family. As I close out my 2 weeks of - TopicsExpress


Good evening extended Gale Family. As I close out my 2 weeks of vacation I want to elaborate a little. What started out as a vacation to MY Motherland turned into a spiritual pilgrimage unlike anything I have ever known. I was touched by a much higher power than the God I thought I knew - those closest to me were already clued in to this even before I realized what was happening. The spirit of forgiveness was all around. it was magical and exhausting all at the same time - I came home a much wiser - stronger - and more developed person - if this makes sense. My time away gave me the space to reflect on what I had found with Tommy. While I have dated over the past 7 years I always seemed to put myself in situations where habitation was more than likely not possible - situations that were safe for me. As I reflected on my relationship with Tommy I came to realize that I truly had found something of substance and something that in many ways I have always been searching for. In Him I found someone who I can truly communicate with - trust - and feel safe with - not to mention someone who I can introduce to my friends without any fears - someone who compliments me - balances me - and EVERYBODY absolutely loves and accepts him. Tommy makes me proud and I am proud of him as well knowing many of the journeys he has had to travel to get where he is at today. Hence my decision to ask him to join me in a closer bond and move in. This last week has been a blessing for us - Tommys work van broke down on Monday and his boss gave him the week off with pay while they worked at getting him a new set of wheels. I firmly believe there is a reason for everything. This time allowed us time for more deep conversation and to develop and bond ever closer. We have had 5 wonderful days together - just Tommy and I. Scotty - Scotty and I have lived together since the spring of 2004. He has become my closest and dearest friend - like a brother. I would never throw him to the curb. It touched my heart that he too took so well to Tommy and I did consult him before asking Tommy to join our household. He did not hesitate in his response which says a lot - Scott and I have seen each other through a lot over the years. Scott will always be family and have a place at my table - hes family. Tomorrow I rejoin one of the greatest - smartest - group of people in this city and this state. While the future may be uncertain with yet another vacancy at the helm of our team - we have the tools to move forward and continue serving the wonderful people who make up the state of Oregon. One of the many reasons I enjoy my job - SERVING the constituents so as to make Oregon an even better place than what it is. Peace - George Thomas Gale
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:44:58 +0000

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