Good evening gentle reader. It seems Im back from a brief hiatus - TopicsExpress


Good evening gentle reader. It seems Im back from a brief hiatus after being censored by the good folks at fb. I wont go into detail as it was merely some lame nudity involving a photoshopped image of a couple screwing in front of Led Zeppelin at a gold record presentation. Whats more intriguing is the reason fb was alerted in the first place. I personally suspect it was in retaliation for some commentary by yours truly involving recent news events. I always make it a point to keep politics off of my page while arguing it vociferously on others but tonight Ill simply say this and move on. Ive been somewhat aghast at the white fb response to the recent Grand Jury acquittals of officers Jones and Pantaleo and the outrage these acquittals spawned in urban areas across the country. Ive endured reams of myopic equivocation and faux color blindness coupled with obligatory quotes by everyone from MLK to fricken Gandhi. The most infuriating response has been the one where people say you should never resist no matter what. Now I know its a term gratuitously used these days, but submission to law enforcement under ANY and ALL circumstance is the VERY definition of fascism. Thank you for reading. :-)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:27:23 +0000

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