Good morning all, hope u are all well, we have a bit of sunshine - TopicsExpress


Good morning all, hope u are all well, we have a bit of sunshine here in Lincolnshire but still very fresh. We have had another unwell stint in the household with our little dude but he soldiers on, he did become very confused and woke 3 nights running at silly I clock to wake up, but I knew it was due to his unwell state so ride with it and watched shrek etc at stupid I clock but he has since gone back to routine and sleeping through till 6-6.30 which is far better that 12.30am and 2.25am etc. I am amazed at his sentences now coming on and he is attempting 6 word sentences although a Yorkshire accent with a lisp makes him sound like Keith lemon which cracks us up. I have been doing done brushing and some joint compressions over the past few months not to the 2 hourly routine but I already can see a difference, I got it off YouTube called warbarger brushing and joint compressions. Im not sure if its for everyone but I needed to try something to help his sensitivity, I only bought a baby hair brush from body shop but its done the trick and may progress to different texture and pressure brush in the future. At first he didnt allow me to do it, flinched a bit and was a bit unsure so I didnt push it then before I knew it he was asking for it. He watches the demonstration video on you tube as I do it, so he understands what is happening , he is easier to dress, wash, speech and generally happy. This has now progressed to a little dinosaur ( from a kinder egg) been rolled around his hand, then progressed to arms, face etc and last night he stuck his foot up and I rolled it around his foot sole ankle and a little of his leg, he was howling with laughter and in context saying oh my josh I will try video it next time as I cant believe the difference. I keep attempting to use my hand instead if the dinosaur but he soon realised and says dinosaur. But its a step in the right direction. We have had some pretty fierce meltdowns but are riding them with him and trying to unpick them afterwards to eliminate future ones but Im sure its that he has been unwell. I built a sensory den under the stairs with lights pillows and a duvet flooring and fiddle, chew, soft toys in to encourage him to have an escape if he needed it but this is an ongoing project, he loves it as a room but I want him to try and find it a calm down escape. Anyway the meat attempts are increasing a few nights ago he ate the inside of a pie ( cut up very fine and mixed in a thick gravy and one night I have him chicken burger seperate to a bread bun as he would normally eat the bread bun seperate but not if it had anything on it, well to our amazement he put the chicken burger in the bread bun and ate over half of it. We are so proud of u boy. Just shows me that sometimes persistence without pressure can be the answer. Well done josh. What achievements have u been seeing this last few weeks xxx Much love to all xxx
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 11:47:53 +0000

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