“Good morning did you have a nice stay at the Tatum Inn?” - TopicsExpress


“Good morning did you have a nice stay at the Tatum Inn?” “Everything is all right, but I noticed something while looking out the window to the back yard, I saw what looked to be a young girl dragging an old ladys body into a wood chipper.” “Oh, dont mind that, its nothing out of the ordinary?” “Nothing out of the ordinary? It couldnt be any more outside of the ordinary!” “Thats because you are too far in it you see, you have to back up a bit, there is more ordinary than you realize.” “Oh, ok then.” “I must mention to you that we respect Lady Bees privacy dont go over there snooping around. Its hard enough for her as it is, what with her condition and all.” “What condition?” “Lady Bee would want me to respect her privacy.” “By the looks of it Lady Bee just got fed into a wood chipper.” “Who do you think put her there?” “What?” “Never mind I said enough.” *knocks at the door. “Is this Lady Bees residence?” “Yes Im her.” “Theres something I want to talk to you about, have you seen a little girl?” “Why do you ask?” “I looked out my window and I saw a little girl feeding an old ladys body into a woodchipper.” “Ive told the Tatums time and time again they ought to have that window boarded up. Having the likes of nosey tourists come by my door. I swear its the last thing I need. Mind your own business, goodnight.” He stares through the window and sees the lady eating a pig ravenously. A few hours later he knocks on the door again. “Oh you again, I thought I asked you to mind your own business.” “Wheres lady Bee?” “Im her.” “No your at least 40 years older.” “You forgot to mention Im pregnant.” “Thats impossible for someone your age!” “Not for me.” shuts the door *Walks back to the Tatum in thinking with his hand cupped around his chin. “So you fancy yourself something of a detective, well, have you solved the mystery yet?” “A young girl, drags a dead old ladys body into a wood chipper. Then a lady much older answers the door a few hours lady, says she goes by the same name, I saw her eating a pig whole ravenously. Then later that night and older lady- must have been well into her 70s answered the door, also went by lady Bee. She looked to be about 6 months pregnant. They couldnt all be the same person could they? The facial features, theres no denying it. Of course it makes sense! She grows the span of her life in a day, later in the day she becomes pregnant, and I suppose when the clock hits midnight she dies while giving birth to herself. She has to do something with her body, so she feeds it to the woodchipper for her garden.” And the food? ...They say growing bodies need sustenance, so thats why she eats so much. “Very good detective, but we all would prefer if you keep that revelation to yourself. Youve stayed past your welcome, here, time for you to move on somewhere else. Theres a hotel on the far side of town, theres a fella who lives nearby it, has an unusual object that you might find interesting.”
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:52:51 +0000

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